8 In 1 Drone Frequency Jammer 1000 - 5000 Meters 1020mm * 50mm * 320mm
![]() Detailed Product Description
Battery Working Time:
1-2 Hours
8 Kgs
GPS, 2.4G, 5.8G, 800, 900, Etc.
Jamming Distance:
1000 To 5000 Meters
Antennas Type:
8 In 1 Antenna
Antenna Angle:
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
3 to 8 Bands Drone Defender, 8 in 1 Drone Jammer Gun for 1000 to 5000 meters
Drone Jammer Gun, Drone Defender can provide a safe countermeasure against all kinds of drones. It help to protect privacy and safety.
RF Power(±3dBm)
400 - 500MHz
840 - 850MHz
900 - 930MHz
1080 - 1300MHz
1550 - 1620MHz
2400 - 2500MHz
5725 - 5850MHz
Inner Battery
power consumption
1010×320×50 mm
Eight In One Handheld portable Drone Jammer
Drones are becoming a nuisance and can compromise your privacy as they are becoming cheaper every day and more available. Here we present proudly the latest TSL-DJG Drone Jammer Fixed Ver. for you with its cutting-edge technologies. The jammer can disrupt remote control (RC) of drones and its GPS signals. Once the drone fly into the jamming area, most of them will automatically slowly ground itself. Meanwhile, the image transmission signals will also be blocked. Most of high end commercial 3-5km UAV Drones/Quad-copters use only 2.4Ghz WIFI and GPS L1 and others use 5.8Ghz or low frequencies, which can all be blocked with a jamming distance of 500-1500m.
Our TSL-DJG has a water-proof metal case which can handle any kinds of tough our-door environments. The directional antennas provide a precise TX range and directions. This system is easy to install and use.
1. Cover full drone remote control and video communication signal such as 900/1.2~1.3/1.5~1.6/2.4/5.8
2. Light weight at 7.2kg only include battery
3. Used digital technology, DDS module and Latest algorithm (Not analog signal)
4. Super long jamming range over 2000M
5. Standing Wave Alarm
6. Low battery alarm
7. Each band Independent switching
8. 8 in 1 antenna cover all 8 drone remote control signal
9. Support DC/AC power
10. Antenna after special processing (Highest technology)make jamming range times add
Product Description
The battle for control of the skies continues. As the amount of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) drones increases each year, many people are stepping up their efforts to keep the devices out of the air. Times Starlight Technology, a traditional RF Signal jammer manufacturer in Shenzhen, has now developed various of new products, dubbed the Drone Defenders, that attacks UAVs with radio waves.
The Drone Defender stated to use “radio control frequency disruption technologies to safely stop drones in the air, before they can pose a threat to military or civilian safety.” It operates on standard GPS, 2.4G, 5.8G and ISM radio bands, allowing for it to interference with both commercial and special UAV drone signals.
The Drone Defender can hit objects from 100 to 5000 meters with an effective angle from 30° to 360°. A Drone Defender can be done from the smallest handheld portable jammer to the biggest Prison Jammer and VIP vehicle Mounted Jammer by different requirements.
When a remote control signal is interfered, drones will often enter into their safety protocols, which usually includes one of three options. It will either hover in place until the pilot can regain a control link, attempt to land so the pilot can recover it physically, or try to return to its point of origin. Since the Drone Defender is mentioned to be attacking the GPS signal as well (for optional, adjustable and can be turned off independently), the scenario is that the device will hover for a while or try to land.
Portable handheld design
UHF wideband interference, effective power (channel power) high, far interference distance
Multi-band frequency design, interference all kinds of aircraft flight control
The antennas had been design switch , efficient and convenient at emergency
Imported components, The design of low starting circuit can avoid spark phenomenon of mechanical switches, high integration level , stable operation
Be Alone Antennas with main, ease of replacement and maintenance
Protection design foe the amplifier model ,protect operational reliability.
Prison safety protection
prison routine safety protection
Research confidentially safety protection
Government, administrative protection
Military base confidentiality protection
Package Standard
Main engine carton box
Gun ejector specialized protection box
Cable carton box
Charger carton box
How to used Drones jammer gun ?
• System with its user friendly Tactical Hand Control Unit can easily be operated and managed.
• The system can easily be used as a vehicular, stationary or portable jammer blocker with relevant accessories within the flexible utilization concept. The system provides effective protection in every kind of usage areas, transportation and deployment with relevant accessories.
• ManPack Drones jammer blocker can easily be mounted to any vehicle in a short time without permanent modification to be used as a vehicle jammer blocker.
• Manpack jammer blocker kits can easily be used both in the hand case as a portable jammer blocker and on trolley.
• Customized as requirements for option.
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wifi signal jammer device
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25 votes
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