DHL Free Shipping Mobile Phone GPS Lojack Wifi VHF UHF 315Mhz 433Mhz Signal Jammer - UHF/VHF Jammer
Jammer Monster - Mobile Phone GPS Lojack Wifi VHF UHF 315Mhz 433Mhz Signal Jammer.Technologies 3G 433Mhz GSM DCS PCS VHF UHF 315Mhz 433Mhz,Technologies 3G 433Mhz GSM DCS PCS VHF UHF 315Mhz CDMA Signal Jammer.Main Features:Jamming Device: Mobile Phone GPS Lojack Wifi VHF UHF 315Mhz 433MhzJamming Signal:4G 3G GSM DCS DCS PCS GPS Lojack Wifi VHF UHF 315Mhz 433MhzJamming Area:50 MetersSpecifications:Jamming Frequency:4G(LTE): 725-770MHZ OR 790-825MHz;4G(WIMAX):2345- 2400MHZ OR 2620-2690MHZ;3G : 2110-2170MHZ;GSM: 925-960MHz;DCS: 1805-1880MHz;LOJACK: 167-175MHZGPS: 1570-1580MHzWIFI 2.4G:2400-2500MHz315MHz433MHzVHF:135-174MHzUHF:400-470MHzJamming Area: 50 Meters in diameter depending on signal strength and working environmentMax Output Power: 28WPower Supply:AC100-240V DC12VSize: Antennas off - 330x 238 x 60mmWeight:7KGPackage Included:1pc Jammer Monster - Mobile Phone GPS Lojack Wifi VHF UHF 315Mhz 433Mhz Signal Jammer1pc Power Adapter (100-240V)1pc Car Charger1pc Manual(if not included, please send email to ask for it)Important NoticeThe item is for Legal Use only!
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