High power prison jammer,Very high power 4G ,3G prison jamming system
![]() 300Walt Prison Jamming System Model:CPJ6020
the vicinity of product will be unable to receive signals or in the case of a mobile phone, dial outgoing calls. The jamming radius depends entirely on the signal strength in a given area. the model that fits the appropriate commercial or institutional application.
* Homeland Security
* Correctional Centers
* Petrochemical Industry
* Sports Venues and Theaters
* Schools and Universities
* Government and Military
* Power Generating Plants
*. Each unit can jam up to SIX frequency bands simultaneously.
*. Continuous operation, even in hot climates, with no time limit.
*. Secure design to avoid sabotage.
*. Adjustable RF power output level per band
*. Turn-key design to check the system problem in time.
*. Selection of antennas to provide more flexibility regarding jamming coverage
*. Special additional housing for all weather protection.
*. Good cooling system via fans design.
*. Heat sink design to make the system more stable.
*. Module design .Easy to change and repair.
*.Only make interference to the downlink. Not to the uplink.
Specification-Frequency Band
CDMA800 850-894MHz (15-50W)
GSM900 925-960MHz (15-50W)
DCS/GSM1800 1805-1880MHz(15- 50W)
3G2110-2170MHz (15- 50W)
4G Lte 700Mhz /800Mhz/4Glte 2.3G/4Glte wimax 2.6G
Wi-Fi 2.4G(15-50W)
Total Power 300W
Frequency Bands Up to six bands
Rules of Installation UL (E190582) CSA (LR 112971 Level 3)
Power Supply AC220V/ 110V DC27-28V
Power Consumption 500W
Shielding Radius 150-300M based on back ground signal strength
Main body Weight 35KG
Total System weight 50Kg with high gain panel antenna
Size 72*45*32cm
Complete accessories:Directional Antennae/Omni directional antennae optional ,power supply cable case key, RF cables
We do customize jammer according to you request.
Get free quotation now by sales@necom-telecom.com
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