Inner Directional Antennas 10 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer All White Cover
![]() Detailed Product Description
RF Power:
30 Watts
Frequency Bands:
10 Bands
28*12*33 Cm
5.5 Kgs
Working Times:
Quantity Of Antennas:
Jamming Type:
Antennas Type:
Inner Directional Antenna
Inner Directional Antennas 10 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer All White Cover
Adjustable full-frequency signal shielding instrument is a high-tech product that has been developed by our company using advanced technology and is aimed at the continuous development of communication standard. It has been successfully developed according to the actual situation of mobile communication at home and abroad. It can cut off GSM/CDMA/ within a radius of 2-50 meters. DCS/PHS/TD-SCDMA/WCADMA/CDMA2000/LTE cell phone signals/WIFI signals/interphones, bone conduction headphones, erasers, rulers, watches, glasses cameras and other digital transmission tools cannot be played and received, and cannot be sent and received Information, but will not interfere with the work of other electronic devices, thus ensuring the safety of the required places, leaving the partition range, you can resume normal use, and without any damage to the human body (products meet the GB9175-88 "environmental electromagnetic wave health standards "Level 1 standard". Adjustable power, convenient and safe.
Outstanding advantages
1. The National Education Department designates special models for college entrance examinations for all frequencies
2. The Inner Directional Antennas 10 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer can effectively interfere with a variety of tools (including 4G and many other customized signals)
3. The most extensive frequency range coule be 100MHZ-2700MHZ full coverage
4. The highest effective power of the machine: single-channel output power of low frequency 100-800MHZ can be as high as 10W, high-frequency 800-2700MHZ single output power of 5-8W.
Innovative technology of manufacturers, full-band wireless signal shielding equipment, wireless headset, Bluetooth, interphone signal shielding equipment.
The full-band wireless signal shielding apparatus is a high-tech, new-type information security and security product that has been successfully developed by our company in response to the detailed requirements of various wireless signal plagiarism tools in the current examination room in response to the requirements of the National Education Ministry's standardized examination room construction. The device effectively blocks all cell phone signals (CDMA, GSM, DCS, PHS, TDSCDMA, CDMA2000, WCDMA), walkie-talkies, wireless, bone conduction headsets, 2.4G (WLAN, WIFI, Bluetooth), cameras, and built-in LED display digits in the examination room Transmission and reception tools (rubber files, watches, rulers, pens, glasses probes) and other wireless copy tool signals. Selected in the list of relevant equipment for the standardized examination room of the Ministry of Education Examination Center.
1. Effectively shield all mobile phones, walkie-talkies, radio, 2.4G (WLAN, WIFI, Bluetooth), and other wireless signals in the examination room cheating tools, without interference to other electronic devices outside the examination room.
2. Adopt a special mold case to configure a new type of ultra-large aluminum alloy heat sink and fan to form a highly efficient intelligent cooling system to ensure that the device will continue to work for a long time without hot, stable performance, safety, and reliability. (Appearance patent certificate has been obtained)
3. Obtained a certificate of inspection of the Institute of Environment and Health-related Product Safety of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Green environmental protection, electromagnetic field strength is much lower than the national standard, without any impact on the human body;
4. Obtained the test report of the Security and Electronic Product Quality Testing Center of the Ministry of Public Security, and selected foreign high-performance integrated circuits and patch components for high integration and reliable quality;
5. the antenna uses a built-in omnidirectional whip antenna, no external antenna, easy installation and management;
6. the product uses high-quality silent fan, noise is small when working, does not affect the student exam.
7. Effective shielding scope 100-300 square meters (distance between launching and receiving equipment> 200 meters).
Installation and usage instructions
1 installation steps and methods
1.1 Remove the shielded instrument host from the box.
1.2 Hang the shielding instrument on the wall or place it in the appropriate position. The optimal installation height is 1-1.8 meters.
1.3 Insert the AC input of the power supply into the mains socket, and then turn on the power switch. The work indicator light on the power supply is on.
1.4 For large and small space installation location point method, as shown below
Example 1: Indoor Space (less than 200 square meters)
Example 2: Indoor space (greater than 200 square meters, multiple units must be used)
Example 3: Outdoor large space (greater than 1000 square meters, with multiple cellular effects best)
2 Precautions
2.1 The machine is a built-in antenna and the antenna does not need to be installed. Power on the host and turn on the switch.
2.2 The effective coverage area of the shielded instrument is a circular area centered on the shielded instrument. Therefore, when using it, make sure that the shielded instrument is properly positioned so as not to produce a blind corner.
2.3 The Inner Directional Antennas 10 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer should be placed in a well ventilated place, try to avoid the obstruction of large objects, avoid strong heat source and strong electromagnetic source. To ensure the shielding effect and long-term stable work.
2.4 When shielding the instrument, do not stack other items on it and disassemble the antenna so as not to affect the shielding effect and damage the machine.
2.5 When the instrument is not used, the power should be cut off in time to avoid affecting the normal operation of the mobile phone.
2.6 When using shielded equipment outdoors, pay attention to waterproof.
2.7 When the area of the used site is larger than the effective shielding range, it is recommended to use multiple shielding devices for honeycomb installation to ensure the shielding effect. .
2.8 Keep away from corrosive gases and liquids, and do dust and moisture protection so as not to accelerate the aging of the internal components of the equipment.
2.9 When placing outdoors or in the wild, care should be taken to install additional protective devices in the presence of destructive animals such as rats and ants.
2.10. The equipment must remain upright.
2.11 The power cord must be fully open so that the power supply is as far away from the equipment as possible.
2.12 Keep dry, do not invade any liquid, do not get near fire.
2.13 Please attach the product model mark to the area to be shielded.
Do not disassemble without authorization from the manufacturer.
3. Maintenance
3.1 This shielded instrument is a maintenance-free device and does not require maintenance
3.2 When wiping the surface, do not use chemical solvents and avoid water in the machine.
3.3 Screening When not in use, the instrument should be stored in a dry and ventilated place to avoid prolonged exposure to salt spray and harmful gases.
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