High power prison jammer,Very high power 4G ,3G prison jamming system
![]() 300Walt Prison Jamming System Model:CPJ6020
the vicinity of product will be unable to receive signals or in the case of a mobile phone, dial outgoing calls. The jamming radius depends entirely on the signal strength in a given area. the model that fits the appropriate commercial or institutional application.
* Homeland Security
* Correctional Centers
* Petrochemical Industry
* Sports Venues and Theaters
* Schools and Universities
* Government and Military
* Power Generating Plants
*. Each unit can jam up to SIX frequency bands simultaneously.
*. Continuous operation, even in hot climates, with no time limit.
*. Secure design to avoid sabotage.
*. Adjustable RF power output level per band
*. Turn-key design to check the system problem in time.
*. Selection of antennas to provide more flexibility regarding jamming coverage
*. Special additional housing for all weather protection.
*. Good cooling system via fans design.
*. Heat sink design to make the system more stable.
*. Module design .Easy to change and repair.
*.Only make interference to the downlink. Not to the uplink.
Specification-Frequency Band
CDMA800 850-894MHz (15-50W)
GSM900 925-960MHz (15-50W)
DCS/GSM1800 1805-1880MHz(15- 50W)
3G2110-2170MHz (15- 50W)
4G Lte 700Mhz /800Mhz/4Glte 2.3G/4Glte wimax 2.6G
Wi-Fi 2.4G(15-50W)
Total Power 300W
Frequency Bands Up to six bands
Rules of Installation UL (E190582) CSA (LR 112971 Level 3)
Power Supply AC220V/ 110V DC27-28V
Power Consumption 500W
Shielding Radius 150-300M based on back ground signal strength
Main body Weight 35KG
Total System weight 50Kg with high gain panel antenna
Size 72*45*32cm
Complete accessories:Directional Antennae/Omni directional antennae optional ,power supply cable case key, RF cables
We do customize jammer according to you request.
Get free quotation now by sales@necom-telecom.com
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The weboost eqo booster works,powerful wireless signal jammers,this gps signal jammer in your cigarette lighter / vehicle power supply ends tracking of your vehicle,a mobile phone jammer or blocker is a device which deliberately transmits signals on the same radio,you can turn on caller id block with the my verizon app or online to prevent people you call from seeing your mobile number.all these devices work on 2,affordable gps tracking system,we pioneered cell phone jamming online sales,.
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