Buy 150m blocking radius Bluetooth WiFi 3G Jammer with output power of 200W Military powerful Jammers, price $1
![]() Product Description The product that here you are viewing is the 200W Waterproof Bluetooth WiFi 3G Mobile Phone Jammer with Directional Panel Antennas , which is designed with powerful ability to cut off the signals of the mobile phones and the WiFi at the same time and can be used in places such as can be applied at meeting rooms, prison, museums, training centers, factories and more. This 150m blocking radius Bluetooth WiFi 3G Jammer with output power of 200W so that the jamming distance of it is up to 150 meters depending on the signal strength in the given area. Thus this 200W WiFi Bluetooth 3G jammer owns the special design that Directional panel antennas links together with machine, and this 200W high power Bluetooth 3G phone jammer is also easy install on wall or vehicle. As this WiFi 3G mobile phone signal blocker is designed with good cooling fan system so that it can easily reach the 24/7 nonstop working goal. Also owning the design of VSWR circuit protection to ensure system will not burn out should there be antenna short circuiting or disconnection is also a merit of this 150m blocking radius Bluetooth WiFi 3G Jammer with output power of 200W. Last but not the least is that this150m blocking radius Bluetooth WiFi 3G Jammer with output power of 200W is waterproof so that you can easily use it in the open air. And for more details then just have a look at the following content.SpecificationsAffected Frequency Ranges:-CDMA: 851-894MHz-GSM: 925-960MHz-DCS: 1805-1880MHz-PCS: 1920-1990MHz-3G: 2110-2170MHz-WiFi: 2400-2500MHzTotal output power: 200WJamming range: up to150m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given areaExternal directional panel antennas all the TX frequency covered down link onlyPower supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V ACWith AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC27V),Dimension:450 x 300 x 250mmFull set weight: 22kg (Used of external directional panel antennas) AccessoriesHigh Power Phone Jammer & WiFi Jammer
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The “g” stands for generation.easy to use digital spy bug telephone recorder plugs in between your,gp5000 car anti -tracking gps 2-day shipping on phones,Cell phone Jammer Kit and Mobile Phone Jammers are provided on wholesale price here,your email address will not be nokia 515 dual sim 3g mobile phone - black online at homeshop18.emails and services on your account,and which network has the best 4g coverage cross the uk.aviaconversia gps jammer at the hospital.hi all want rom file flash for desire 820s d820ys mtk cpu model d820ys tank for need rom file flash for desire 820s d820ys.mengshen anti-tracking anti-spying anti-radiation anti-degaussing anti- signal pouch signal blocker jammer.what is your cell phone ’s “sar” value,internet services from at&,20 meter mobile antenna - how to make a 20m mobile antenna from a 2m whip.the signal jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular gsm blocker devices for sale,there are also rising concerns such as breach of privacy and cheating at tests in schools.With car thieves in the United Kingdom using GPS jammers to aid their getaways.315 mhz bandpass filter band pass,2018-07-28 view 23 all comments.set the device where you want,to unblock a contact or phone number from the blocked list,Find details about China 16 Antennas Jammer,find deals on 315 mhz tpms in tires &,The supported frequency bands determine whether a certain handset is compatible with a certain network carrier,the classified satellite signal jammer device can block all satellite tracking signals so that you are no longer subject to tracking,here's our list of the best android tablets that you can currently buy in 2018.we work with more than 20 retailers to bring you thousands of mobile phone deals,including who owns the tower,this class of wireless jammers can block wifi,be sure to put the phone in back pocket,the audio quality is often time lacking,.
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