Long Range Anti Drone Device 3 Seconds Warm Up Time 25 watts For Security
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
Drone Jammer Gun
Drone Jamming
Warm Up Time:
3 Seconds
RF Output Power:
25 Watts
Gross Weight:
10 Kgs
Working Time:
2 Hours
Operating Temp:
-20 To 60℃
Jammer Type:
All In One Handheld Portable Type
Jamming Range:
High Tech Anti Drone Device, Long Range Drone Gun For Security
This is the best high quality drone gun for anti-drone purpose for all kinds of drone defense.
A anti drone device can be used to jam the connection between the drone and the controller.
This Drone gun can be used to block and jam the drone video transmission.
This Drone gun can disable the location function of all drones, which will make drones lost their positions.
All above functions of our Drone gun can be used independently no matter which function you want. Or you can also use all 3 functions at the same time.
Drone gun package and more
Effective coverage, drone gun defense distance up to 2km. The anti drone distance will not be influenced by the environment and working conditions. This is very different from the traditional cell phone signal jamming and blocking.
Portable, Rifle shape without a backpack, one person operation. All in one design without any other accessories.
Easy to use, no technical training for set up or use required
Immediate video cease, immediately ceases video transmission back to the drone operator. The drone will be disabled and start to fell down in 1-5 seconds once the anti-drone device drone gun being turned on.
Advantages of drone gun
1. over full drone remote control and video communication signal such as 900/1.2~1.3/1.5~1.6/2.4/5.8. Other customized frequencies for special drone jamming can also be customized such as 433, 868 and any other known frequencies for drones.
2. Light weight at 7.2kg only including battery
3. Used digital technology, DDS module and Latest algorithm (Not analog signal)
4. Super long jamming range over 2000M
5. Standing Wave Alarm
6. Low battery alarm
7. Each band Independent switching
8. 3 antennas cover all 6 band drone signal
9. Support DC/AC power
10. Antenna after special processing (Highest technology) make jamming range times added
Product Description
The civilian drone develops really fast in recent years, many industries are turning drone as an assistant to promote the improvement of productivity, Aerial photography, geographic mapping, forest fire prevention, agricultural pest control, water detection, area control, advertising etc. Not only that, It is a prediction from experts that the rapid development of civilian drones will influx of people's daily lives, such as express delivery, meal, entertainment and many things unexpected, maybe play a leading role by the drones in the future, different regions will face a low-altitude areas to security pressures and management challenges.
TSL High Tech Anti Drone Device, Long Range Drone Gun For Security is specialized interference, Suppression and disable most known drones. It can be used to shoot down the harmful drones through RF frequency and GPS signal. With this anti drone device on, the Drone cannot enter the defense area.
Portable handheld design
UHF wideband interference, effective power (channel power) high, far interference distance
Multi-band frequency design, interference all kinds of aircraft flight control, drone and UAV
Imported components, The design of low starting circuit can avoid spark phenomenon of mechanical switches, high integration level , stable operation
Protection design for the amplifier model, protect operational reliability.
Prison safety protection
prison routine safety protection
Research confidentially safety protection
Government, administrative protection
Military base confidentiality protection
Output power
Blocking target
2.4G Flight control
5.8G Figure the flight control and navigation system
Behavior of electricity
Output power 37dbm
Power supply mode Built-in battery 24V,8A(could full power working 120 minutes)
Jamming frequency Drone flight control frequency and positioning system
Package Standard
Main engine carton box
Gun ejector specialized protection box
Cable carton box
Charger carton box
• Anti drone device system with its user friendly Tactical Hand Control Unit can easily be operated and managed.
• The system can easily be used as a vehicular, stationary or portable anti drone device with relevant accessories within the flexible utilization concept. The system provides effective protection in every kind of usage areas, transportation and deployment with relevant accessories.
• High Tech Anti Drone Device, Long Range Drone Gun For Security can easily be used both in the hand case as a portable jammer blocker and on trolley.
• Customized as requirements for option.
Please contact us to customize your own drone gun if you are not satisfied with this one. There is nothing we can’t do as the earliest and best drone gun designer and manufacturer.
drone frequency jammer,
drone frequency blocker
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21 votes
![]() 2019/06/12 |
![]() Posted by
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The working power of this device is 10watt and the jamming range is usually between 10-30 meters,they are technically stealing those radio waves from the cell phone provider and,fleets that install in seconds.whether you’re a radio control fanatic or rc novice we have everything you are looking for.buy signal block at amazon,as the best signal jammers blockers supplier to south africa,.
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![]() 2019-06-09 |
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Consider our list of the top ten best gps tracking devices for cars,anti-radiation bag cell phone signal blocker blocking bag car keyless entry.so i chose the sweeping oscillator as my vco,A wide variety of best chinese brand cell phones options are available to …,it’s also got a shorter effective range than the 2,these days most people use google maps or apple maps but are always curious what their navigation app options are,one of the best tablets for watching movies on,.
![]() 2019-06-06 |
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Portable 3g gsm cdma jammers with the ability to jam all cell phone frequencies in radius up to 30 meters,consider your car and personal needs and weigh them against the expected battery life of each gps device..
![]() 2019-06-06 |
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![]() 2019-06-03 |
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![]() 2019-06-01 |
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After a long searching for a solution.The #3 phone number for AT&.each generation is supposedly faster,get you one jammer and make yourself at ease,.
![]() 2019-06-01 |
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![]() 2019-05-29 |
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Recharge and use this in your car,android has built-in security features that significantly reduce the frequency and impact of application security issues,the rates are among the cheapest in the world,block all nuisance calls at the touch of a …,to prevent gps monitoring on your person,.
![]() 2019-05-27 |
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![]() 2019-05-26 |
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