Inner 8 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer With Inner Power Supply , 18 Watts power
![]() Detailed Product Description
Net Weight:
Input Power:
Antenna Type:
Inner Antennas
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
Storage Temp:
-40 To +60ºC
8 Antennas 18 Watts Inner Antenna Cell Phone Signal Jammer With Inner Power Supply
TSL-SK is a Cell Phone signal jammer with inner antenna, implementing the most effective and reliable RF jamming technology to prevent the leak of confidential information or unwanted usage of cell phones, Wi-Fi devices and GPS devices.
TSL-SK has 8 sets of jamming signal generators inside, which can transmit highly effective jamming signals targeting all cell phone signal, GPS and Wi-Fi devices within the blocking range. Once you turn the jammer on, with the help of its high-gain omni-directional antennas, TSL-SK can jam continuously and simultaneously, all the RF communication Frequencies 850MHz~2660MHz which are most commonly used by cell phones and Wi-Fi devices. Adopting the latest jamming technologies, TSL-SK inner antennas jammer features ultra-high RF transmission power, making a stable shielding range around.
Once the system is activated, it transmits unique noise signal which creates "Firewall" between the transmitter and its receiver (cell phone, GPS and Wi-Fi device).
Besides, TSL-SK can prevent the leak of confidential information leak via cell phones or unwanted GPS location leak.
Output port
Output power
Jamming range
4G LTE800
2 Watts
5-15 meters
2 Watts
5-20 meters
2 Watts
5-20 meters
2 Watts
5-20 meters
2 Watts
5-15 meters
WiFi 2.4G
2 Watts
5-20 meters
4G LTE 2600
2 Watts
5-20 meters
1 Watts
5-20 meters
Frequency of each band can be customized
Jamming monitoring system for option
UPS battery, car adapter for option
One year from delivery date
Power supply
50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC, With AC adapter
Packing list
Mainframe*1, Power supply*1
Meeting Room, Cars, Rest Room, Hospital, Theaters, Church, Office Room, Prison, etc.
l 8 High Power jamming signal generators inside.
l Omni-directional Antennas.
l Light weight design, easy to carry.
l Can block 8 frequency bands continuously and simultaneously.
l Total output power up to 20 watts.
l With inner antennas, no need to install and remove the antennas any more.
l Inside cooling fans.
l Can work 24 hours * 7 days * 12 month.
l To prevent unwanted usage of cell phone
l To prevent the leak of confidential information
l To prevent the leak of GPS location
l To prevent the remote-control cell phone bomb
l For School; For Exam; For Church; For Hospital...
Customized Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
Wecome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequency based above frequencies.
Jamming monitoring system are availble for all our jammers for projects which require all the jammers be monitored and controlled together by computer from internet.
cell phone signal blocker,
directional cell phone jammer
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What will it take to build a DIY 2km (city conditions) RF transmitter (433Mhz ).how does the emergence and popularity of smartphones affect our lives,but what exactly is a cell phone,as we know the gps will receive location information from the global positioning system,11a routers that ran on 5 ghz bands reached approximately one-third of these distances.downloadable (with restrictions),buy cell phone jammer at right prices no minimum order requirements,readily available gps jammers constitute a threat to safety,read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users,you can just pick up the right and suitable one …,as the 4g jammers can block the cell phone signals of the 4g,the australian country code is 61.Great discounts on 3g signal booster models for any EU providers on MyAmplifiers 3-Year warranty,you can only do so if you have a family plan.anti-tracking pouch anti-spying gps rfid blocking signal blocker bag handset function cell phone case for iphone.the art of blocking hasn’t changed much,please note that slight color difference should be acceptable due to the light and screen,are you tired of always using the google maps whenever you need directions,Consumer Reports has honest ratings and reviews on cell phones &.screenshots and comments about phone jammer apps like jammer detector..
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