Buy 250W Waterproof Jammer with Jamming range Up to 300m Military powerful Jammers, price $1
![]() Product DescriptionHave you ever considered that when you need a jammer you can find a store that allow you to choose the jamming frequency bands and then do the frequency bands you have selected for you? This is not a dream now and just here this 250W Waterproof Jammer with Jamming range Up to 300m that you are viewing here just owns the functions. This 250W Waterproof Jammer with Jamming range Up to 300m is really powerful and can allow you to choose four or five jamming frequency bands among the following frequency bands CDMA, GSM, DCS, PCS, 3G, WiFi, GPSL1, 4G LTE, 4G Wimax, and CDMA 450, in this case people can just tell the four or five jamming frequency bands they want. Thus you can also turn on or turn off the frequency bands according to the real needs as well without affect the jamming functions of other frequency bands at the same time for this OEM signal jammer with Omni-directional Antennas. Thus good cooling fan system and waterproof design has also been used on this 250W Waterproof Jammer with Jamming range Up to 300m as well so that it can easily work outside and also and owning the VSWR circuit protection to ensure system will not burn out should there be antenna short circuiting or disconnection is a merit of this 250W waterproof OEM signal jammer. With such kind of excellent design, for places such as the meeting rooms, prison, museums, training centers, factories and more this high power OEM signal blocker can be widely used. To know more details just come here and seize the chance here.SpecificationsAffected Frequency Ranges:-CDMA 800: 850 to 894MHz-GSM 900: 925 to 960MHz-DCS1800: 1,805 to 1,880MHz-PCS1900: 1,920 to 1,990MHz (PCS)-3G: 2110 to 2,170MHz -Wi-Fi: 2,400 to 2,500MHz-GPSL1: 1570-1580MHz-4GLTE: 700-800MHz-4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz-CDMA450: 450-470MHzYou can select four or five of above frequency bands you need in a jammerTotal output power: 200-250WJamming range: Up to 300m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given areaExternal Omni-directional antennas or directional panel antennas ,all the TX frequency covered down link onlyPower supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V ACWith AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC27V),Dimension:520(l) x 230(W) x 190mm(H)Full set weight: about 27kg (Used of external Omni-directional antennas) Accessories250W High Power JammerOmni-directional antennas
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