RF bug detector with Acoustic display + Plug-in Lens Finder + Laser-assisted direction indication VS-7LP,5G Jammer
![]() RF bug detector with Acoustic display + Plug-in Lens Finder + Laser-assisted direction indication
This model is the newest top quality portable RF bug detector. It can be used to detect and locate hidden transmitters (bugs) in your home, office, or car, and also wireless spy cameras, cellular phones and other radio frequency devices.
This device performs a professional RF sweep of your premises. Designed with the latest in microchip countermeasure technology, it has an operational range of 50 MHz to 6.0 GHz. This most advanced unit has features that normally reserved for bigger more pricey units.
This device is designed for easy and simple use, which does not require complicated installation or any professional knowledge.
Detecting range:
50 MHz to 6.0 GHz
Important Audio Verification Mode
Sensitivity Adjustment (Distance adjustment)
With built-in rechargeable battery
Detecting distance:
wireless bug: up to 20 feet(beep)
10mW 2.4GHz cameras: up to 8 feet
10mW 1.2GHz cameras: up to 12 feet
2G cell phones: up to 35 feet
Find out bugs in silent place
Find signal source of bug
Unique acoustic display
No interference with radio station
Assisted Laser Pointing Direction Indication
Wired camera detection
Battery low warning
Easy carry and simple to use
Order Information:
Minimum Order: 2PCS
Branded Product, Buyer's Label Offered
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