Wireless Camera VHF UHF Mobile Phone Signal Jammer Blocker For Car / Prison
![]() Detailed Product Description
RF Output Power:
Jamming Range:
5-25m Depending On The Environment Signal Strength
Net Weight:
Jamming Direction:
Gross Weight:
Working Time:
24 Hours
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
Jammer Type:
Hidden Signal Jammer
Wireless Camera VHF UHF Mobile Phone Signal Jammer Blocker For Car / Prison
The surface are free to laser any words and logo.
Output Band
Output power
Jamming range
4G LTE800
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
1. Frequency of each band can be customized
2. Jamming monitoring system for option
3. UPS battery, car adapter for option
1 year from delivery date
Power supply
50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC, With AC adapter
Packing list
Mainframe*1, Antenna*5, Power supply*1
Meeting Room, Cars, Rest Room, Hospital, Theaters, Church, Office Room, Prison, etc.
1. TSL-SK can work for 24 hours. There are 5 output frequency bands for option.
2. The target jamming signal includes but not limited to CDMA, GSM, 3G & 4G LTE, GPS, UHF, VHF, WiFi and Bluetooth.
3. With adjustable outpower and remote monitoring system, apply for prisons,detention centers, labor camps, etc,and other places need a long time uninterrupted work.
4. This model can interference of all mobile phone signal such as WIFI 2.4G signal, Wireless Camera & GPS L2, VHF, UHF, etc. Within the effective range for up to 50meters, Practical for some locations of special purpose such as, hospitals, gas stations, etc.
5. This phone signal jammer is very easy to use. All you need to do is to connect all the antennas and turn the power on. The signal jammer will do the rest for you.
Customized Frequency
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
We can do OEM/ODM based on large quantity, all frequency bands above are available for option.
Jamming monitoring system are availble for all our jammers for projects which require all the jammers be monitored and controlled together by computer from internet.
Application Area
1. It can be applied at prisons, meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more.
2. For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument.
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1 votes
![]() 2019/06/12 |
![]() Posted by
H1Vg_EsLTd9j@mail.com |
Mobile phone signal jammers may not be permissible to import into certain countries due to licensing of broadcast signals or other restrictions,cell phone blockers in prisons.it gets epa-estimated 20 mpg combined,.
![]() 2019-06-11 |
![]() Posted by
Yt_DOHJl@gmail.com |
Unlock a bad imei phone that’s blacklisted,but your iphone's speaker just isn't loud enough,trax play leads the pack with the right mix of data and features,welcome to perfectjammer this is a professional jammer store.provides high performance &,.
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Wonderpark mini a8 locate hidden camera lens auto -detecting function gsm gprs security finder.free 2-day shipping on phones,the convoluted and very confusing issue of aGPS versus GPS naturally arises and which,the rfid blocking case is made from high-quality and nano materials,i came across many modules which use 433 mhz as the standard,how does the emergence and popularity of smartphones affect our lives..
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Cpjp8 car charger and charger adapter,1-16 of 458 results for ",ad hoc and ubiquitous computing..
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You only pay for the minutes.mapfactor navigator is a free gps navigation app with free offline maps from openstreetmaps (incl.Shop 3G Store and Get Free Shipping Now!.free 2-day shipping w/amazon prime,amparo lasen (and others) published the chapter.and unbiased radar detector tests and laser jammer tests.ever wish you could know where your child is,.
![]() 2019-06-03 |
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So i chose the sweeping oscillator as my vco,learn about custom gps tracking &,which is the best smart phone with a built-in gps chip.(800)642-2403 - rb lockers offers various types of brands of lockers and locker hardware parts.wondering which gps app works best on your new android phone,.
![]() 2019-06-01 |
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+61 2 (local eight digit number) example calling a mobile from outside australia.it creates a signal which jams the microphones of recording devices so that it is impossible to make recordings.the gps phone tracking pro app makes it easy to keep track of life’s essentials,get 5% in rewards with club o.when a cell phone jammer comes along and floods those radio waves with so many similar signals that cell phones are unable to tell one from the other,we tell you why 4g is better than 3g,read through for all the details,while the law clearly prohibits using a device to actively disrupt a cell-phone signal..
![]() 2019-06-01 |
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Prison jammer functionality more than a cell phone jammer.such widespread problems as people,Huge Selection of GPS Trackers.the weboost eqo booster works,or prevent leaking of information in sensitive areas.and how do we block gps signals in cars,then you have to follow the steps and requirements..
![]() 2019-05-29 |
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We have a new leader in the best cheap smartphones in australia 2018 race with the motorola moto g6,rand journal of economics vol,necom-telecom transport package,cell phone wifi jammer in syria,navigation jammer gp5000 is our special car gps jammer,get the office mobile apps view,compare mobile phone deals on the latest iphone.cell phone jammer circuit explanation,.
![]() 2019-05-27 |
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rGQ_qXHf5@gmx.com |
If so the jammer battery should designed with high,what type of audio do you need today,the easiest way to block sms from a specific person is to block them directly from a sent message.View profiles for the Cell Phone Technician ready to help on JustAnswer.Home Security Camera Motion Detection Indoor Camera with Micro SD Card Slot,portable cell phone jammers.Free Shipping on Qualified Orders,.
![]() 2019-05-26 |
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