With LCD Signal Detector Work For 1.2G2.4G5.8G Wireless Cameras Detecting Up to 300 Feet
![]() FullBand Wireless Camera Scanner/ Wireless Camera Detector
Product ID: VS-125
Vodasafe professional wireless camera scanner VS-125 covers three frequency bands: 1.2 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz. This breakthrough invention can detect and display the video and audio of multiple hidden wireless cameras on multiple frequencies at the same time.
VS-125 displays the receiving image on a 3.5" High Resolution Color LCD Monitor; and can detect the signals up to 300 ft. (depending on output power of source transmitter). This professional wireless camera scanner scans 1.2 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequency bands synchronously within 15 seconds.
VS-125 has indications of NTSC or PAL / SECAM to identify the video system of detected signal. The STOP/SCAN button can latch or release the image. The speaker will display the voice if there is audio signal with the wireless camera signal.
The three frequency bands have their own STOP/SCAN button and video system indicator. Furthermore, it has three AV outputs allow for recording the video and audio of all three frequency bands simultaneously.
VS-125 is one of the most advanced professional wireless camera
detecting devices currently available. This unit has already become a popular choice for governmet organization, military, security service, law enforcement, bodyguards, company managers and private detectives, etc.
Scanning band: 1.2 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz three bands synchronous scanning.
Monitor display:
Auto band switching.
Band selection switch for manual band change.
Audio / Video output:
AV outputs x 3 for 3 bands synchronous recording.
3.5mm video / Audio out put jack (for 3 recording).
Detecting distance: up to 300 feet (depending on output power of source transmitter).
Weight:About 860g (including rechargeable batteries).
Unique 5.8 GHz scanning technology.
3.5" High Resolution LCD Monitor, color or B/W camera compatible.
Video protocol auto-switching for NTSC, PAL / SECAM.
NTSC or PAL / SECAM Video format indication x 3 for 3 frequency bands.
Scanning indication x 3 rows for 3 frequency bands synchronous scanning.
"Fine Tuning" switches for mending screen image.
Order Information:
Minimum Order: Negotiable
Branded Product
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We tested a variety of gps tracking devices in real-world scenarios.a mobile phone jammer or blocker is a device which deliberately transmits signals on the same radio frequencies as mobile phones,or gain the quiet condition for meeting life or other situations,learn about custom gps tracking &,take the guide with you by using these 5 best navigation apps for android,.
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