Buy 100m blocking range high power WIFI Jammer with fan Military powerful Jammers, price $4365
Product Description Ever consider that the interference signal 5.8G WI-FI can block the frequency range of WiFi 5720MHz-5850MHz at the same time with a powerful range of interference? Then this 100m blocking range high power WIFI Jammer with fan can easily achieve this goal, and then you can look at the details of it. Firstly, since in this standard antenna interference signal WI-FI, omnidirectional antenna that allows this WI-FI Jammer cut signal from all directions. Furthermore, designed 50W high output of the interference distance Jammer WI-FI really powerful that up to 100 meters, depending on the signal strength in the art. In addition, when the design This cell phone interference, the designer took into account the temperature, so it’s high power 5.8G WI-FI Jammer is designed with a cooling fan, so that it can always be kept in good condition and no harm to non-linear distortion of the device. Thus, this high power Jammer WI-FI can be used continuously 365 days to reach a nonstop working end.Working WIFI Frequency: 5720MHz-5850MHz Output Power 50WPower supply AC220V/ 110V DC27VPower Consumption 300WDevice Size 228*135*65MMAntennas Omni antennasGross Weight after Packaging 12KGComplete accessories:Omni Antennae x 1 Cables Power supply.
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But how well do you really know that best friend (fiend,the signal jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular gsm blocker devices for sale,.
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