High Frequency Cell Phone Signal Jammer 2400MHz / Long Jamming Distance
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
Signal Jammers
Cell Phone Signal Jamming
Net Weight:
Jamming Direction:
Omni-directional Or Directional
Gross Weight:
Working Time:
24 Hours
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
39× 20× 26cm
Storage Temp:
-40 To +60ºC
Operating Humidity:
5% - 95%
High Frequency Cell Phone Signal Jammer 2400MHz / Gps Frequency Jammer
The UAV drone signal jammer is our company's latest product designed by R&D department, against the widespread use of UAVs nowadays. It disables the targeted UAV by jamming the UAV's remote-control signal and GPS signal, so as to force the UAV to fall or return. The jamming distance reachesmore than 500m.
1. Taking use of super-high frequency with high effective power.
2. Effective output power (channel power) and bigger interfere radius.
3. Only interfere downlink frequency of mobile system without disturbing normally working of Base Stations.
4. Imported elements: Slow start up design of circuit.
5. These elements can maintain the stable operation condition with high integration.
6. Channel Output power adjustable.
7. Easy operation and installation.
8. High Efficiency output power, long jamming distance.
9. Effectively making subsections, no interference to base station
10. Ethernet IP Remote Monitoring System available
Output Band
Output power
Jamming range
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
3 Watts
5-25 meters
WiFi 2.4G
2 Watts
5-50 meters
Frequency of each band can be customized
Jamming monitoring system for option
One year from delivery date
Power supply
50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC, With AC adapter
Packing list
Mainframe*1, Antenna*4, Power supply*1
Meeting Room, Cars, Rest Room, Hospital, Theaters, Church, Office Room, Prison, etc.
1. The TSL-SH is a signal jammer with 1 to 4 high-gain omni-directional antennas.
2. The target jamming signal includes but not limited to CDMA, GSM, 3G & 4G LTE, GPS, UHF, VHF, WiFi and Bluetooth.
3. The metal case provides an excellent heat-dissipation effect for the jammer.
4. This model can reach 1 to 4 channels for option, interference of all mobile phone signal, WIFI 2.4G signal, Wireless Camera & GPS L2, VHF, UHF, etc. Within the effective range for up to 300meters, Practical for some locations of special purpose such as, hospitals, gas stations and so on.
5. Specially designed for easy and simple use, this device does not require complicated installation or any professional knowledge.
Customized Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
Wecome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequency based above frequencies.
Jamming monitoring system are availble for all our jammers for projects which require all the jammers be monitored and controlled together by computer from internet.
Application Area
1. It can be applied at prisons, meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more.
2. For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument.
Jammer Monitoring Software Platform Introduction
The Jammer Monitoring Software Platform allows users to monitor and control all Jammers through Internet, and all real-time alarm information feedback to the users immediately. So that users can stay at office to have all information of jammers working status, and adjust the Jammers to suit the operating environment of the installed area, greatly reduce the customer's maintenance workload.
The platform enables real-time display of all Jammers' output power, operating temperature, alarm information (including over-temperature alarm, under-power alarms, VSWR alarms, Door open alarms, etc.), and all information is specific to each Channel, real-effective, convenient and quick.
This platform also allows you to change the login page photo and upload your own logo by yourself.
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Easy to taken portable jammers here.you can also use this mobile signal jammer to …,there are a plenty of mobile phone apps created to track a phone location,We invite you to take a look at our reviews of Cell Phone Providers and Prepaid Cell Phone Providers,we tested a variety of gps tracking devices in real-world scenarios.Online shopping for AT&..
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