Buy (USA) 8W EUR Multiple bands GSM 2G 3G 4G GPS L1 L2 WIFI Jammer with cooling fan inside Latest new Products, price $331
(USA) 8W EUR Multiple bands GSM 2G 3G 4G GPS L1 L2 WIFI Jammer with cooling fan inside
Product Description Multi-band cell phone signal jammer can work to isolate the specified unwanted frequency bands when there is the demand for signal free zone. The (USA) 8W EUR Multiple bands GSM 2G 3G 4G GPS L1 L2 WIFI Jammer with cooling fan inside. Selection Frequency is one of the multifunctional signal blocking units available with well-built compact construction and delicately combined functionality. The powerful jammer has a wide affected frequency ranges to include CDMA/GSM, DCS/PCS, 3G, 4G LTE, 4G Wimax and GPSL1-L2/Wifi. It also has a jamming range up to 30m, depending on the signal strength in the given area. Within the range, just turn on the jammer, all wireless connection to 2G, 3G, 4G or Wifi,GPS network will be disabled at the same time. Also, the jammer is a selectable unit. In other word, user can choose to allow operation of one or a few of frequency bands. Adjustment of ON or OFF any of the single bands will not cause any disruption to the operation of others. The jammer is flexibly applicable for its portability and ease of charging. It can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, trains, bus and more location as you want, powered by universally using AC adapter or by 8000MAh rechargeable battery. The well-designed cooling system will further ensure you a lasting service time.
USA Type frequency 8 bands :4G Low 790-880MHz 1WGSM 920-965MHz 1W 2G DCS 1800-1990MHz 1W3G UMTS 2100-2170MHz 1WWiFi 2400-2500MHz 1W 4G High 2300-2410MHz 1WGPS L1 1500-1600MHz 1WGPS L2 1220-1230MHz 1WTOTAL: 8 W
Jamming range : Radius 3 to 30 Meters. The signal strength The jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and location.Battery:Ni-Mh battery 8000MAh Work time: up to 3 hoursHigh output power : 1W per band, in total 8WEach band can turn ON/OFF without influencing the other bands operationGood cooling system with heat sink and fan insideCan support use while battery chargingSupport Powered by car cigarette chargerAll the TX frequency covered down link onlyAutomatic power switching power supply:50/60Hz/AC 100 ~ 240V transmitting to DC 12VDimension: 132(H)*80(L)*41(W) not include antennasWeight 1.2KgPackage contents:Portable Signal Jammer x 1 AC Charger x 1Car Charger x 1Antenna x 8
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