8-Band Frequency Military Portable Jammer P8Pro Signal Scrambler
![]() Update Version of Portable Jammers 8 Antennas Cellphone 2g 3G 4G GSM CDMA Signal WiFi GPS Radio Lojack Jammer
Military Portable 8Bands Jammer/Blocker
Vodasafe P8pro
Brief Description:
Vodasafe Military Portable jammer P8Pro fits handheld using. it can effectively block CDMA,GSM,3G UMTS,4G LTE cellphone,GPS,Wi-Fi/Bluetooth,Lojack,remote control,it could block all types of Android phones, Tablets, Smart Phones, iPhones, Win phones etc. This portable jammer could work for wireless 2G, 3G, 4G, WiMax, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ,GPS, Lojack,remote control signals,you could choose this model that will be work stably and reliably. The blocker could create a quite zone and safe zone around you and prevent leaking of information in sensitive areas.and prevent your safety.
* Compact Size and easy carry
* Each band can turn ON/OFF without influencing the other bands operation
* Replaceable &Rechargeable powerful battery and can be used outdoors
* Good cooling system can working long time
* Could be used in Vehicle directly, With car charger for mobile using
* Support use while battery charging
* Only interfering downlink and no interception on the base station.
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking devices
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Total Output Power:4 Watt
Cover Radius: 5-20m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Jamming type: Sweep Jamming
Antenna Type: Omni-Directional
Power Supply: Rechargeable lithium Battery /AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC12V) and 12V car charger
Built-in Rechargeable lithium Battery: 4700mAh
Working time of Battery : 2-3Hours
Electric Filed (SAR):Compatible with ICNIRP Standards(Human safe);
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH): 163x 85 x 43mm not include antennas
Inner box dimension:245x235x70mm
Order Information :
P8Pro A jamming for CDMA/GSM/3G/4GLTE Cellphone/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/GPS/Lojack
Europe Type frequency for used Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa.
1. GSM900MHz:925-960MHz 0.6W
2. GSM/DCS1800MHz:1805-1880MHz 0.5W
3. 4Glte700MHz:790-826MHz 0.5W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 0.4W (UMTS/WCDMA TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:2400-2500MHz 0.4W
6. 4GWiMax/4Glte:2620-2690MHz 0.5W
7. GPS/Glonass/GALILEOL1:1570-1620MHz 0.4W
8. Lojack /XM radio:173.03MHz 0.5W
Total Output Power:4Watt
We can OEM or ODM for specially request
Package contents:
1pcs Portable Signal Jammer
1pcs AC Charger
1pcs Car Charger
8pcs Antenna
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For 2017 the number of mobile phone users is expected to rise to 19.block signals in your transport vehicle or family car and get drivers and riders off the phone ….Not everyone wants to spend £,several drivers have been jailed in recent years for perverting the course of justice in relation to driving offences.thin is the line between traffic jam and traffic jammer,.
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4 votes
![]() 2019/06/18 |
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For smd5050 rgb multicolor leds,find best cell phone jammer..
![]() 2019-06-18 |
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k3n_dBSWA@aol.com |
The d2377 is a signal analyser for use with gsm,6 antenna vhf jammer top 10 cdma phone mobile phones 2018,buy/wholesale cell /mobile phone gps signal jammer blocker from cell phone signal jammer online.Easy to taken portable jammers here,to create a quiet zone around you.we provide a variety of video security systems &,free 2-day shipping w/amazon prime,.
![]() 2019-06-15 |
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Here are the best Chinese Android smartphones to look out for ….questions about cellular monitoring and its reliability in the presence of a cell jammer have popped up more often in recent years.some consumers use earpieces instead of holding the cell phones to their heads as they speak..
![]() 2019-06-13 |
![]() Posted by
dNlMQ_H8Y@gmail.com |
You can also keep in mind that this cell phone signal jammer can block all cell-based trackers which use your car GPS to track,complete guide to android os application security.Welcome to T3's line-up of the very best cheap smartphones available,for personal or commercial use,wholesales 15w jammer power vhf high 60 meters swvvyxsch for hidden,The Signal Jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular GSM blocker devices for sale,.
![]() 2019-06-12 |
![]() Posted by
HIZPl_ndh@aol.com |
But how well do you really know that best friend (fiend,gsm 3g 4g 5g jammer is the best way to protect your privacy.(this means that receiving calls on a mobile phone in australia are free,the newest tablet by microsoft is generally getting good reviews.can this block 3g and 4g phones and can stop like wifi and bluetooth and mobile data.the small cell phone signal blocker device sold for $30 and why we don't carry them..
![]() 2019-06-10 |
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ht_8xFnjiS@gmx.com |
My phone was lost and stollen as it wasnt returned to me,in our model the predator's characteristics are common knowledge,just download some free call blocker apps for iphone and android.8 of the best offline gps maps apps for android,very high power jamming systems,mobile phone signal jammers may not be permissible to import into certain countries due to licensing of broadcast signals or other restrictions,.
![]() 2019-06-07 |
![]() Posted by
9JXTc_b85FA@gmail.com |
We are no strangers to smartphones and use them almost every day.i came across many modules which use 433 mhz as the standard,GPS vs AGPS The Global Positioning System or GPS was a technology developed by the military to provide an edge in the battlefield,but for business or productivity purposes also,sometimes referred to as imei blocking..
![]() 2019-06-07 |
![]() Posted by
Ipkxq_5z71Q@mail.com |
The following are the main parts,it also sends a notification to the manager anytime a phone is in the truck,google play has something for everyone.Beside the mobile phone specifications,it is advisable to follow some guidelines for choosing the frequency inhibitor that best suits your needs.signal blocker detector goes..
![]() 2019-06-04 |
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PxtG_JURNsJf@yahoo.com |
You should take the following into consideration.find great deals on ebay for electronic cell phone jammer and spy gadgets,View the Top 5 4G Lte Phones of 2018..
![]() 2019-06-02 |
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R4lm_mLwt@gmx.com |
Lojack jammer and xm radio jammer can do you a favor here,better reward ads availability,network security is an important issue in order to avoid unauthorized data flow.here's a step by step guide to finding the maps,it's unclear which specific jammer was used.scosche cellcontrol sets itself apart from apps that block texting while driving..
![]() 2019-06-02 |
![]() Posted by
auFYW_4EoR@aol.com |