Buy 120m blocking radius Wireless Jammer with Omni Antennas Military powerful Jammers, price $1
![]() Product Description There are many cell phone jamming gadget that used to exert the effect within a typical range like, maybe 8-40m. If there is the demand for wider coverage, more powerful jammer will be needed. This 120m blocking radius Wireless Jammer with Omni Antennas is a professional wireless jamming solution for serious application such as field operation, VIP escort, bomb disposal allocation, special troops and so on. The jammer is one of the most advanced high efficiency mobile phone and satellite signal jammer, designed specifically for both military use and security guard. It can work for jamming 4 frequency bands spontaneously. With high power output, the jamming range reaches up to 120m depending on the signals strength given within the area. It is of backpack design so that users can shoulder it in back and carry it around for mobile using. Equipped with the omni directional antenna, the cell phone and satellite jammer would surely perform with higher efficiency and stability. The high power jammer is also featured with easy accessible power supply with built-in rechargeable battery, and external DC and AC compatible. The device adopts the high-power wireless amplification technology which can prolong the standing-wave ratio and temperature self-protection. With strong power supply and scientific construction design, jammer is capable of continuous long time working under even tough condition.At a glance:Portable, backpack style.Lightweight: the whole device with antenna weighs only 18KG or so which is easy to carry;Block 4 frequencies at the same time;Output power can be up to 60W;High gain omnidirectional antenna (directive antenna for your choice);Power supply: built-in Lithium-battery, external DC or AC are accessible too;Continuous working time of the built-in battery can be up to 2 hours if fully charged;The device adopts the high-power wireless amplification technology which can proceed the standing-wave ratio and temperature self-protection.The Specification for this jammer:Number of Frequency bands: 4 bands List of frequency bands per customer choice(up to 4 can be selected)-CDMA/TDMA+Nextel (851-894 MHz),-iDEN-AMPS (869-894MHz),-GSM850-GSM (925-960 MHz),-High GSM/DCS (1805-1880 MHz),-PCS/GSM1900 [+PHS] (1930-1990 MHz),-UMTS (3G) (2110-2170 MHz)Computer communication standards 2.4Ghz-WLAN Bluetooth Wi-Fi.Satellite communication systems-Thuraya Iridium Elipso Inmarsat GlobalStar-Aces Odyssey GPSCDMA450 Cellphone System-(430-450/460-470 MHz)Output watt: 50wattPower Consumption: Max: 380WPower supply voltage:~230VAC / ~110VACPower Adjustment: Multi level potentiometer adjustable by computer.Battery 2-3 hoursRange Radius: Up to 120 meters ( signal Housing Metal enclosureTotal System weight: around 25KGHumidity: Up to 80%Operation temperatures:-10° … +50° CControl Wireless Management Control by ComputerCooling system Active “smart” with integrated incoming air filterAntennae type External high gain omnidirectional (standard)Antenna gain 3-4 dBi (Omni Antenna)Omni Antennae number: Omni Antenna Up to 4pcsAccessories:Power adaptorAntennasUser manual
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27 votes
![]() 2019/07/14 |
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While the law clearly prohibits using a device to actively disrupt a cell -phone signal,although three as the last uk operator to roll-out 4g service appears to have some catching up to do in the download speed arena,see the best smartphones to buy - big screen phones,.
![]() 2019-07-13 |
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![]() 2019-07-08 |
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Get complete knowledge on mobile phone jammer circuit and its working,beside the mobile phone specifications,some options are prime eligible.I'm currently buildung exactly the same thing here.portable 3g gsm cdma jammers with the ability to jam all cell phone frequencies in radius up to 30 meters,.
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![]() 2019-06-27 |
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