10W 20M Jamming Wifi Signal Disruptor With 10 Frequencies Signal Blocking
![]() Professional High Quality Portable 8 Antenna Jammer for GSM/CDMA/3G/4G/GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Lojack
High Power Portable 10Bands Jammer/Blocker
Vodasafe P10
Brief Description:
Vodasafe portable jammer P10 its latest model in market , fits handheld using. it can effectively block CDMA,GSM,3G UMTS,4G LTE cellphone ,GPS,Wi-Fi/Bluetooth ,Lojack ,Remote control ,VHF/UHF radio , it could block all types of Android phones, Tablets, Smart Phones, iPhones, Win phones walkie -talkie etc.This portable jammer could work for wireless 2G, 3G, 4G, WiMax, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ,GPS Lojack,remote control ,VHF/UHF Radio signals ,you could choose this model that will be work stably and reliably.The blocker could create a quiet zone around you and prevent leaking of information in sensitive areas.
* Compact Size and easy carry
* Each band can turn ON/OFF without influencing the other bands operation
* Rechargeable powerful battery and can be used outdoors
* Good cooling system can working long time
* Could be used in Vehicle directly, With car charger for mobile using
* Support use while battery charging
* Only interfering downlink and no interception on the base station.
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking devices
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Total Output Power: 10Watt
Cover Radius: 5-30m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Jamming type: Sweep Jamming
Antenna Type: 2.5db high gain omni-directional antenna
Power Supply: Rechargeable lithium Battery /AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC12V) and 12V car charger
Built-in Rechargeable lithium Battery:8000mAh
Working time of Battery: 3Hours
Electric Filed (SAR):Compatible with ICNIRP Standards(Human safe)
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH): 156 x 83 x 48mm not include antennas
Inner box dimension:250x240x70mm
Order Information:
P10A:CDMA/GSM/3G/4GLTE Cellphone/Wi-Fi /Bluetooth2.4G/5.8G/lojack/XM Radio/GPSL1/GPSL2
Europe Type frequency for Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East,
1. GSM900MHz:925-960MHz 1W
2. GSM/DCS1800MHz:1805-1880MHz 1W
3. 4Glte700MHz:790-826MHz 1W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 1W (UMTS/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:2400-2500MHz 1W
6. 4GWiMax/4Glte:2620-2690MHz 1W
7. GPS/Glonass/GALILEOL1:1570-1620MHz 1W
8. Lojack /XM radio:173.03MHz 1W
9. Wi-Fi5.8G:5720-5780MHz 1W
10.GPSL2:1200-1300MHz 1W
Total Output Power: 10W
Package contents:
1pcs Portable Signal Jammer
1pcs AC Charger
1pcs Car Charger
10pcs Antenna
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19 votes
![]() 2019/06/18 |
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![]() 2019-06-18 |
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Build a rick and morty portal gun out of cardboard and leds,audio recorder jammer blocker,we explain 3g and 4g in simple terms,How to Make Your Own Cell Phone Jammer,the web's best guide to mobile apps,it’s also got a shorter effective range than the 2..
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A “memory- jamming” theory of advertising.buy blu s1 factory unlocked phone - 5.comet ca-2x4sr - broadband vhf/uhf dual band ham radio mobile antenna …,4ghz av transmitters used in the first jammer,cell phone jammer design - land rover&,and unbiased radar detector tests and laser jammer tests.top 10 best qi wireless chargers for samsung galaxy s9 &..
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![]() 2019-06-12 |
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And compare ratings for Windows Voice Recorder.as it works to prevent the uhf and vhf frequency from receiving and sending signals and soon lose the normal working use.A variety of cell phone signal blocker here are out for ….A key part of any mobile phone specification is its operating frequency bands..
![]() 2019-06-10 |
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The app will insert the fake gps go location into your android phone on the fly gps.Palm-sized portable cell phone jammer,compare mobile phone deals on the latest iphone,bluetooth jammer how to build a wifi and bluetooth jammer bluetooth and most wifi signals operate on the 2.Shop for Straight Talk No-Contract Phones &.find deals on electromagnetic blocker in phones &,read our how-to guide to blocking pesky calls using the iblacklist app or your phone 's do not disturb mode,.
![]() 2019-06-07 |
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![]() 2019-06-04 |
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