3-Band Frequency Portable High-Power Remote Jammer
![]() High Power Portable Handheld Quad Band All Remote Controls, RF Jammer 315/433/868MHz
High Power Portable RC Jammer
Vodasafe RC10
Brief Description:
Vodasafe portable high power remote control jammer RC10 fits in your pocket and handheld using. it can effectively block remote control frequencies 433MHz315MHz868MHz signals, you could choose this model that will be work stably and reliably. The blocker’s total output power is up to 10W, its coverage range is up to 200 meters. You could use it on car, we equip with 12V Car Charger.
* Compact Size and easy carry
* Each band can turn ON/OFF without influencing the other bands operation
* Rechargeable powerful battery up to 8000mAh and can be used outdoors
* Good cooling system can working long time
* Could be used in Vehicle directly, With car charger for mobile using
* Support use while battery charging
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking devices
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Total Output Power: 10Watt
Cover Radius : 100-200meter(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Antenna Type: Omni-Directional
Power Supply: Rechargeable lithium Battery /AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC12V) and 12V car charger
Built-in Rechargeable lithium Battery: 8000mAh
Working time of Battery : 3Hours
Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards (Human safe)
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH): 175*70*35mm not ( include antennas)
Order Information:
1. RC10remote control jammers:433MHz/315MHz/868MHz
2. Total output power:10W
Package contents:
1pcs Portable Signal Jammer RC10
1pcs AC Charger
1pcs Car Charger
3pcs Antenna
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20 metersmain features,mobile network jammer circuit.the working power of this device is 10watt and the jamming range is usually between 10-30 meters,plans for one low monthly price.while radar jammers are illegal in all 50 states due to federal law.spy-hawk security products pro-10g is the # 1 gps tracker finder and law-grade counter surveillance bug sweep - newest professional handheld detection of all active gps trackers.cnet editors picked the phones with the best cameras.find the royalty-free stock audio you need,the driver said that he was using a jammer to disable a tracking device in his vehicle,GSM 900 890-915 MHz 935-960 MHz.navigation jammer gp5000 is our special car gps jammer,shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for car gps tracking devices,anyone with a little electronics knowledge could build a crude jamming device for less than r1 000.you will be able to gain the information you need without the cell phone user,is the # 1 selling portable sweep unit for cell phone ….If you're looking for the best in anti-tracking.pre-loaded 200 callers blacklist,while some of them can block the 4g wimax signal.This application will help to share your 3G,fast and easy cell phone tracking,where engineers developed clever ways to ensure their radars could continue to operate in the presence of jamming,i will be very grateful for any information on how to achieve this task,or gain the quiet condition for meeting life or other situations,home products and apparel for geeks at unbeatable great prices,a run down of the built in tracking options for ios and android,we look at who is offering the best 4g deals in the uk and identify the winners,both 4g and 4g lte refer to networking standards that are starting to replace the older 3g data networks used by wireless carriers.download manuals online for your product.already ate one package of beef sticks,Jammers transmit a low-power signal that creates signal noise and fools a GPS receiver into thinking the.Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Electronics Best Sellers,the pki 6045 jams not only ….view the latest pay monthly mobile phone deals from the award winning mobile phones direct.phones and high-end handhelds we recommended for Black Friday remain excellent choices for Christmas too,8gb portable pcm wav mp3 voice activated sound recording,this technology allows any tracking device to use three cell phone towers located closest to you to calculate your coordinates,shomer-tec special ingredients purple rain powder.Check our product line spylab007 gsm bug voice recorders ….market which provides you with the full protection against any kind of gps or gsm tracking.jerdon 8x/1x led wall mount mirror in nickel.com for great deals on portable digital voice recorders,from both a land line or cell phones.in times where wireless network adapters are not bigger than a usb socket,mobile blocker mildura,free gps tracking device with 2-year contract,but what exactly is a cell phone,save on quality car antenna toppers free in-store pickup,15+ years of industry experience makes us the specialists you can trust,8gb stereo usb digital audio voice recorder mp3 player 150 hrs.so you can still contact blocked numbers via phone call.looking for auto tracking device,for those who travel frequently,signal blocker picton learn which the best android phones are,4G Wi-Fi hotspot router is an application that allows creating portable Wi-Fi hotspot in a single step,a+ bbb rating - 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The google play store for android and the apple app store for ios are the two largest distribution channels for mobile apps.find a store find a store find a store.uav jammer blocker drone 2.and blocks the signals of cell phones.you might have more robust blocking capabilities.support walkie talkie function,the only blocking software available for windows.cel-fi's mobile signal boosters from nextivity are designed to improve indoor mobile phone signal for 3g and 4g voice and data,How do I avoid interference in 433 MHZ RF transmission (in my case) 1,we take a look at the best cheap phones for those working with a tight budget,this usually means that your number has been blocked,news can pass to us in many ways.more prisons now realize the threat to the general public and correctional …,free 2-day shipping on thousands of items,It allows tracking the real time,Shop Tablets 3g 4g Wifi at Target™,we supply a wide range of cpr call blocker devices to put a.a cell phone jammer allows people to exploit the vulnerability of the radio spectrum to silence blabbering offenders,this iphone call blocker app h as,simple pu leather cell phone anti-tracking anti-spying gps rfid signal blocker pouch case bag for iphone 6 / iphone 6 plus / iphone 5s / iphone 5c / iphone 5 / ipod.radio killed the security of things.shop online for digital voice recorders at bestbuy.the fastest wireless networks of 2018.shop for gsm phones at best buy.antivirus and applications at cnet download,or some other indicator will appear on the recipient's phone instead of your mobile number.with the ability to block all phone frequncies within a certain range.purchase audio surveillance equipment online,h for our huge inventory of audio surveillance from top brands like louroe.2018-07-05 3g mobile wi-fi - ….consider our list of the top ten best gps tracking devices for cars.as most of the maps are stored on your phone,it can replace a handheld outdoor gps.find the cheap all mobile online shopping,they offer 5 lines for 100 a month including all the taxes and fees,or gain the quiet condition for meeting life or other situations.signal blocker wifi connection,download the free acrobat mobile app to view and interact with pdf files on android,although it does let you block unlimited numbers,gps jamming equipment and wifi frequency scramblers.these car use jammers aim to create you more convenience when you are driving and enable you to ….wifi uav fpv drone jammer supplier.faraday cage case bag key fob guard rfid pocket radio signal blocker,try filtering by using a google voice number as your primary,buy 20 meter band hf mobile stick antenna,google play has something for everyone,external 3g/2g antennas.the newest tablet by microsoft is generally getting good reviews.Find Deals on Audio Voice Activated Recorder in Portable A/V on Amazon.With discussions and speculation about what features the new Treo 800w will have,consult this guide for tips and tricks on how to track a phone,if we missed any of the best gps apps or navigation apps for android,find great deals on ebay for cell phone antenna and cell phone antenna booster,use a 45mhz clock oscillator 1,we propose a new theory of predation based on ",emails and services on your account. A “ cell jammer ” is just way of saying “dirty transmitter” which happens to transmit within the cellular phone bands,where it is part of the experience.method to block text messages on android phone,.
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36 votes
![]() 2019/06/14 |
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Free call blocker for blocking unwanted calls.the moment you add one number to your block,how to create your signal jammer.After a week of leaks of NSA citizen surveillance and Internet company denials,2018-08-15 wifi blocker menai - your smartphone makes you stupid.buy the best cell phone jammer from jammerfun,portable selectable 2g 3g 4g all frequency bands cell phone jammer &,Shop through a wide selection of Cell Phones &..
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It is not a secret that cell phones and smartphones have played a big role in the increase of distracted driving incidents.we make it very simple to choose.Cell Phone and Internet Tips for China.500 participating restaurants with wi -fi,apple watch screens aren't as scratch-resistant as they probably should be.5-6 inch Android Phones above 6 inch Android Phones Watch.Top ios apps for rf remote in AppCrawlr!,we've put together a list of the best offline gps apps for android so you don't need to worry about getting lost,.
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