40 Watts Mobile Network Blocker 5 - 40 Meters Distance With Omni - Directional Antenna
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
High Powe Signal Jammer
RF Output Power:
40 Watts
Jammer Antennas:
8 High Gain Whip Omni-directional Antenna
Gross Weight:
4.5 Kgs
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
Jamming Area:
5-30 Meters
Power Of Each Band:
5 Watts
Control & Adjustment:
Stepless Independently
Cell Phone, WiFi Jamming
40 Watts High Powe Signal Jammer For 5 to 40 Meters Jamming Distance
We, the cell phone signal jammer factory improved this jammer to higher power, 5 watts each band. We can show you the power of each band on our frequency spectrum. The real power of this jammer is 5 watts each band. Totally 40 watts. All 8 bands output signal frequencies can be customized. 24/7 working time. RF power stepless adjustment on and off control independently for each every jamming channel.
1. The TSL-B8-5W is a high power signal jammer with 8 high-gain omni-directional antennas. This high power signal jammer is specialized in jamming and blocking all kinds of cell phone signals, wifi and any other wireless telecommunications.
2. The target jamming signal includes but not limited to Wifi, CDMA, GSM, 3G & 4G LTE, GPS, UHF, VHF and Bluetooth. Any wireless signals from 20MHz to 6.5G are available for jamming.
3. The black metal case provides an excellent heat-dissipation for the jammer.
4. Besides, the 2 little fans inside can also help to blow the heat away and insure the long stable operation of 24*7.
5. Just like all our jamming devices, TSL-B8-5W is very simple to use. All you need to do is to attach the plug and antennas, then turn on the power.
6. The jammer will block all target signals around automatically and there is nothing else for you.
7. This model can reach 4 to 16 channels for option, interference of all mobile phone signal, WIFI 2.4G signal, Wireless Camera & GPS L2, VHF, UHF, etc. Within the effective range for up to 50meters, Practical for some locations of special purpose such as, School, Church, University, hospitals, gas stations and so on.
8. Specially designed for easy and simple use, this device does not require complicated installation or any professional knowledge.
9. This jammer was developed in 2018 based on the new RF technology.
10. The cell phone blocker can also be used in a car be power by the car charger.
11. Improved power to 5 watts each band and total RF power 40 watts.
12. The power of each band can be adjusted independently. Each band can be turned off independently. The price will be $8 less if you don’t need this function.
13. It's traditional jammer has been used for many years and also improved for many time for more stable performance.
Output port
Output power
Jamming range
4G LTE800
5 Watts
5-40 meters
5 Watts
5-40 meters
5 Watts
5-40 meters
5 Watts
5-40 meters
5 Watts
5-40 meters
WiFi 2.4G
5 Watts
5-50 meters
4G LTE 2600
5 Watts
5-40 meters
5 Watts
5-50 meters
Frequency of each band can be customized
Jamming monitoring system for option
UPS battery, car adapter for option
One year from delivery date
Power supply
50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC, With AC adapter
Packing list
Mainframe*1, Antenna*8, Power supply*1
Class room, Meeting Room, Cars, Rest Room, Hospital, Theaters, Church, Office Room, Prison, etc.
Customized Jamming Signals
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
Welcome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequencies from 20MHz to 6.5G.
All our WiFi signal jammers can support Centralized Management by our monitoring system. Welcome to contact us if you need to do any jammer projects such as prison jamming projects, etc.
APPLICATIONS of High Power Signal Jammer
1. Movie theaters, hospitals, Religious Places, churches
2. university, schools, classrooms, libraries
3. police forces and military, Government,
4. Inside jails. Prisons
5. Homeland Security
6. Correctional Centers
7. Petrochemical Industry
8. Sports Venues and Theaters
9. VIP Convoy Protection
10. Bomb Prevention/Disposal
11. Schools and Universities
12. Power Generating Plants
1 x English User Manual (We will send a scan file by email if you need the manual since the paper manual may cause some custom issue)
AC Power Charger (The correct standard adapter will be send by the shipping address)
Mounting Screws
Whip Omni-directional Antennas x 8
Whip antenna specification
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range
The same as the jammer channel
50 Ohm
Radiation Direction
Max. Power Input-watts
50 W
Mechanical Specifications
Radiating Material
Radome colour
Signal Jammer Monitoring Software Platform Introduction
1. The signal Jammer Monitoring Software Platform allows users to monitor and control all Jammers through Internet, and all real-time alarm information feedback to the users immediately. So that users can stay at office to have all information of jammers working status, and adjust the Jammers to suit the operating environment of the installed area, greatly reduce the customer's maintenance workload.
2. The platform enables real-time display of all Jammers' output power, operating temperature, alarm information (including over-temperature alarm, under-power alarms, VSWR alarms, Door open alarms, etc.), and all information is specific to each Channel, real-effective, convenient and quick.
3. This platform also allows you to change the login page photo and upload your own logo by yourself.
We also have 10 watts, 20 watts, 50 watts and 100 watts signal jammer for each every band if 5 watts is not enough for you. Kindly contact us and we will provide you the most professional support as a cell phone signal factory for over 15 years.
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And doesn't apply to drones/uavs 2,like spinal tap’s knee-high stonehenge.and part of the reason is radiation from cell phone towers and microwave antennas,.
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