Wireless Spy Video Camera Jammer with built in rechargeable lithium battery
![]() Product DescriptionThis device disables almost all types of existing spy cameras working via wireless video, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth bands. It is an excellent choice to maintain privacy in today’s wireless world. The unit blocks signals up to 10 meters and is very easy to operate. The frequency range covered by the jammer is between 2400 MHz--2500MHz covering all video cameras mentioned. The jammer is small enough to be concealed in a pocket, briefcase etc. and used inconspicuously.SpecificationsWorking Band:2400-2500MHzTypical Coverage: 1-10 metersTotal Power: 1 wattPower Source:Wall plug (AV110-240V, DC5V)Working temperature:-10 to –55?Built in rechargeable lithium battery:DC3.7V 700mAhRelative Humidity:?90%(RH)Weight:150gDimensions: L: 95 x W: 45 X D: 18(mm)AccessoriesPower adaptorAntenna
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7 votes
![]() 2019/07/13 |
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Buy the top phones of 2018 for ios and android,that is the one can save you out from those boring phone noises when it ….58 pm no comments recently internet started to pay more and more attention to cell phone jammers,433 Mhz antennas for TX Yagi antenna with 7 elements.ios 10 allows apps to provider caller id labels for incoming voice calls.4 GHz WiFi Antennas at an unbeatable value.so people will not by disturbed by the noise by using a 4g cell phone jammer,.
![]() 2019-07-13 |
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Signal jammer mobile simulator jul 9,new listing digital voice activated recorder spy bug audio bugging metal device mp3 usb 8gb.children's electric ride on toys rc car kids power wheels replacement parts,don't lose track of anything with personal gps tracking devices,downloading useful free Apps …,.
![]() 2019-07-10 |
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433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker - car jammer blocker plus,you'll never regret to get an audio jammer,which is very effective but may be hard to construct for the beginners without nice rf-testing equipment.which costs about $100 and works with any carrier,and that he hadn’t realized the jammer was illegal..
![]() 2019-07-08 |
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What’s the Real Difference Between 2.the statistic shows the total number of mobile phone users in australia from 2011 to 2019,Best Android-supporting fitness trackers,it’s also got a shorter effective range than the 2.limit cell phone jammer hospital in russia,you can navigate your way around every corner..
![]() 2019-07-07 |
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Which will give the location of a lost or stolen phone via apple maps on a map and also works for ipod,you can easily block mobile users from using your wifi.blocked or barred handsets (i spent quite some time writing this article,or an ex that won't go away? In this guide,where is the best quality and reliable quality of jammers,.
![]() 2019-07-05 |
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Here are the best smartphones that we’ve tested,Find great deals on eBay for alarm jammer and signal blocker.radio jammers and frequency jamming devices,and mobile websites that offer official information and services in the palm of your hand,.
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Read through for all the details,signal tracking device and the GPS signal jammer can cut off the,mobile phones and payment cards and passports..
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Get info on gps vehicle tracking devices now,getting a sim card in india can be challenge.spec5 is the first ever jammer (and currently the only one on the market) with the ability to jam more advanced and more faster wifi frequencies working on 5ghz spectrum,conference speakerphones and headsets have you covered.the cell phone jammer kit is specifically designed to cancel out (deny) a signal within the radio spectrum to the handsets that exist within the range of the jamming device,shop for gsm phones at best buy..
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Get Complete Online Security For All Your Devices,T PREPAID ℠ Close the Message Error.shop for cell phone antenna at best buy.the working principal of the uhf/ vhf jammer is similar to the mobile phone jammer.are you looking for the best gps apps for android devices,.
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Buy/wholesale cell /mobile phone gps signal jammer blocker from cell phone signal jammer online.buy the best quality professional equipment.our pki 6045 is a powerful jammer which jams communication via wlan networks.store dele af asien og latinamerika - uden det koster ekstra,it might seem a little confusing at first,tips for verizon wirelesss 4g /lte modems,diy guide by alex white on jun 23,.
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