IP66 Security Signal Jamming Device High Power Inner Antennas For Outdoor
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
Outdoor IP65 Security Prison Jammer, Inner Antennas High Power Cell Jammer
Prison And Outdoor
Net Weight:
Jamming Direction:
Working Time:
24 Hours
Operating Temp:
-40 To 60℃
Power Supply Size:
Operating Humidity:
5% - 95%
Waterproof Level:
Storage Temp:
-40 To 70ºC
Outdoor IP66 Security Prison Jammer, Inner Antennas High Power Cell Jammer This cell phone prison jammer has passed the strict inspection and gotten the certification from The Ministry of Public Security Safety, Police Electronic Product Quality Inspection Center, Electronic Products Quality Control Center, and The Electromagnetic Leakage Transmission Safety Protection Product Testing Center. Description 1. TSL-OM is constructed inside a special metal enclosure as a prison security jammer , incorporating an efficient "smart active" cooling system with incoming air filters, which enables the prison jammer system to operate 365 days/24 Hours/7days continuously even in hot weather. Its secure design ensures that the prison inmates and unauthorized prison personnel cannot tamper with the safe and continuous operation of the system.2. Each high power prison cell phone jammer can jam up to 10 frequency bands simultaneously.3. For the mobile phone jamming, only making the interference to the downlink bands, never to the uplink and make sure BTS normal running.4. Special Waterproof and solid housing for all weather protection.5. Continuous operation, even in hot climates, with no time limit.6. Heat sink designing combing with the fans to make the cell phone prison jammer in a cooling status.7. Secure design to avoid sabotage.8. (VSWR) circuit protection to ensure system will not burn out in case of antenna short circuiting or disconnection.9. Antenna type options, directional or omni-directional antennas for option.10. E-mail and Alarming system. Once something is wrong, such as the cabinet opened maliciously, RF cables cut off deliberately, Modules failure, Temperature problem.11. Adjust output power of the jamming modules by computer with our professional prison jammer monitoring system.12. ON/OFF each Jamming module or device separately.13. Set the time to open and close the machine. The Cell phone prison jammer can be automatically entered into operation.14. Selection of antennas to provide more flexibility regarding jamming coverage.15. UPS and battery backup in case of mains power failure.16. Wireless Software Controlled Jamming System TSL-OM is developed specially for prisons and other large, sensitive facilities, such as military installations and government compounds. It is upgraded from our prison jamming system TSL-IOM. The jamming system can be controlled remotely with activation and deactivation of the system. It is carried out only by using a wireless control unit through the central computer. Applications Prisons and other large sensitive locations such as military or governmental compounds. It can also be used in oil and gas storage facilities and fields, security services, military units, secret services, museums, border patrol and drug enforcement, customs, etc. Specifications:Jamming frequency bands8 Bands Selectable of VHF, UHF, GSM, CDMA, DCS, PCS, 3G, 4G, WIFI, GPS, 5.8G etcTotal RF output powerUp to 100WInternal ModulationAnalog, white noise or digitalEffective jamming range5-100m depending on the environment signal strengthPower supply220VAC/110VACContinuous working hoursLong timePower Consumption100 to 300WRemote ControlEthernet Control by Remote Monitoring Software (Optional)Remote Control InterfaceRJ45 (Optional)Antenna typeBuilt-in Directional AntennaAntenna Gain6dBiProof LevelIP66Dimensions400× 288× 155mmNet Weight7kgOperating Temp-20º C - +50º CHumidity5% - 95% Customized jamming frequenciesVHF135-175MHzUHF435-475MHzRF Radio315MHzRF Radio433MHzCDMA851-894MHzGSM925-960MHzDCS1805-1880MHzPCS1930-1990MHz3G2110-2185MHz4G (LTE)725-785MHZ4G (Wimax)2300-2410MHZLojack167-175MHZGPSL1/Glonass1575.42MHzGPSL2/Glonass1227.42MHzWireless Camera 1.2G1100-1200MHzWireless Camera 2.4G2400-2483MHzWi-Fi/Bluetooth2.4GWI-FI, 5G5500-5900MHz Wecome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequency from 20MHz to 6.5G. Jammer Monitoring Software Platform Introduction1. The Jammer Monitoring Software Platform allows users to monitor and control all Jammers through Internet, and all real-time alarm information feedback to the users immediately. So that users can stay at office to have all information of jammers working status, and adjust the Jammers to suit the operating environment of the installed area, greatly reduce the customer's maintenance workload. 2. The prison jammer monitoring system enables real-time display of all Jammers' output power, operating temperature, alarm information (including over-temperature alarm, under-power alarms, VSWR alarms, Door open alarms, etc.), and all information is specific to each Channel, real-effective, convenient and quick. 3. This prison jammer monitoring system also allows you to change the login page photo and upload your own logo by yourself. Antenna specification (Super High Gain Directional Antenna for Option )6 bands in 1 is available Frequency RangeThe same as the jammers’ frequencyPolarizationverticalVSWRGain15dBiLevel 3dB beam width65°Vertical 3dB beamwidth15°The first level of discaside< -18dBIntermodulation<-150dBcInput impedance50ΩPower capacity500 WConnectorN(F)or 7/16DIN(F)Size1286mm×280mm×135mmWeight8kgHolder weight5.3kgDiameterΦ50 mm ~Φ110mmMaterialsUPVCwind resistance241km/h
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![]() 2019/06/18 |
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Albatross is a pocket gsm jammer that may be used against gsm.Reviewed 3g apps from verified developers.find great deals on ebay for walkie talkie phone,contract mobile phones and …,our pki 6085 should be used when absolute confidentiality of conferences or other meetings has to be guaranteed.including how to track a cell phone location for free for all phone types,.
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Fire alarm tests are being conducted,it can be used directly as long as you insert it into the cigarette lighter/12v auxilary device within.necom-telecom transport package,.
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![]() 2019-06-01 |
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I came across many modules which use 433 mhz as the standard,our monstro 10 is a professional cell phone blocker that needs to be treated accordingly,as the 4g jammers can block the cell phone signals of the 4g,rf output power of each channel is no less than 1 watt,.
![]() 2019-06-01 |
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