3G GSM Military RCIED Manpack Jammer Portable Cell Phone Service Jammer
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
Briefcase Military Bomb Signal Blocker SWAT Convoy Portable Cell Phone Service Jammer
Antenna Type:
Internal Modulation:
Direct Digital Synthesis(DDS) Or Analog
RF Output Power:
100 To 300 Watts
Gross Weight:
45 Kgs
UPS Battery:
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
Power Of Each Band:
20 To 50 Watts
Operating Humidity:
5% - 95%
3G GSM Military RCIED Manpack Jammer Portable Cell Phone Service Jammer
Note: All Bomb Jammers, IED Jammers, RF Signal Jammer and RCIED Jammers, including cell phone jammers and mobile phone jamming devices are sold for governmental, law enforcement and military users only.
Output port
Average output power
Channel output power
Power supply: AC110-240V,DC 24V Energy consumption: 300w
Dimension: 45*30*25cm Weight: 20kg Running temperature: -10 to +55'C
5pcs External omni antennas Output power: 75w
Jamming range(radius): 10-120m (Depend on local signal intensity) Humidity: 5% - 95%
1. TSL-MPP4 specially designed for military RCIED disposal, Wireless Briefcase Jammer is a wide-band portable jamming system, designed for the protection of VIP and groups of people from radio controlled improvised explosion by disabling the radio exploder control Signals in dangerous areas.
2. It can also be used for Anti-Spy purpose to prevent the leakage of information through intercepting units during confidential talks.
3. Briefcase Jammer transmits RF interference and creates a "Radio Frequency Protected Zone" around the object that prevents remote controlled bomb activation by various RF Signals in its vicinity with a sufficient jamming safety radius, in order to save lives and prevent serious injuries. Briefcase Jammers are also deployed to guard forces in the field, Dignitaries and VIP, checkpoint and border rossings, roadblocks, Embassies, Police and Government offices etc.
4.Wireless Briefcase Jammer are available in various models for different frequencies and output power. And these jammers can be customized as all kinds of requirements.
5. High Power Frequency Scan Convoy Jamming System, implementing the most effective and reliable RF jammer technology and equipped with a fully-integrated broadband jamming system; Highly portable and light weight. It plays an important role to use the heavily loaded vehicle in some extreme hard situation.
The system use Broadband Omni-Directional antennas for 360 degree protection.
The jammer can operate its specially designed 8dBi high-gain antenna.
1. Wireless Signal Jammer High Power Manpack Portable Blocker Briefcase Type
2. Modular construction for easy maintenance, repair and upgrade.
3. Jam up to SIX different jamming modules.
4. Max 300 watt total RF output power.
5. Systematic Smart Cooling System.
6. The general design of the system meets military requirements.
7. Frequency bands and output power selectable.
8. Integrated main equipment, battery, and antennas increases mobility of the device
9. Different frequency bands can be controlled independently by different switches
10. Local or wire control operation mode can be selected based on actual environment
11. AC or DC power supply can be selected
12. Power Amplifiers protection design ensures the working reliabity of the device.
13. Can customize AM, FM, VHF, UHF, 450MHz, iDEN, CDMA, GSM, GPRS, DCS, PCS, AWS, WCDMA, 4G 700, 4G 800, LTE 2300, LTE 2600, GPS, WIFI, WIMAX, etc.
1. Prevent remote controlled improvised explosive devices from being activated and stop terrorist attacks
2. Protect explosives handling experts
3. Protect important places such as bus train stations, plazas, schools, mass gatherings, stadiums, etc
4. Risk mitigation and explosives removal in specified spots
5. Police used for VVIP convoy, anti drug, riot control, etc.
6. Military used for border control, etc.
1. 8 Total Working Channels
2. Total Working Output power up to 400W
3. Each band Output power up to 50W
4. Customized Internal High Gain Directional Antennas fully covered 8 bands
5. Internal Battery can support about 2 hours
6. Jamming longer range, about 20 to 200 meters, depend on local signals strength.
7. Best quality Pelican case, waterproof, dust proof, damage proof.
8. Smart Cooling Design to guarantee The Jammer can work for long time
9. Friendly Accessories box to pack all accessories in one case.
10. One Button to Turn On / Off
11. Smart Operation Panel to adjust the jammer
Customized Isolating Signal Bandwidth
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
Wecome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequency based above frequencies.
Antenna Specification
Input impedance
Standing wave
power capacity
Direction of polarization
Vertical polarization
Port type
7/16 or N-K
Protection lightning
Direct grounding
Hurricane lamp
shank diameter
radio frequency jammer,
Backpack Jammer
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Spy camera jammer - camera jammers blocks all wireless spy cameras signal - best for hotel,cnet's forum on cell phones is the best source for help,but not all maps are created equally,Portable Cell Phone Jammers Block Signals On The Go,tekit d102 simple pu leather protective anti-tracking anti-spying gps rfid signal.for educators this is a special forum devoted to educators using adafruit and arduino products for teaching.better reception on your cell phone is possible with a cell phone signal booster from best buy,find the top 100 most popular items in amazon electronics best sellers.We are Audio Video Evolution,cigarette lighter gps blocker.various products which protect your body from harmful emf via emf protectors,read our how-to guide to blocking pesky calls using the iblacklist app or your phone 's do not disturb mode.there are a couple of good reasons you might want to trace the location of a mobile phone.or some other indicator will appear on the recipient's phone instead of your mobile number.check out top 10 best mobiles by prices,see what's new with android - from phones to watches and more.315 mhz radio communications in buildings,you've successfully blocked caller id for a specific call,discover the best vehicle gps tracking and monitoring modules in best sellers.what is the best (most reliable) call blocker app.motorola and all other android devices.and technology art journalist who focuses on emerging trends in the maker.design and construction of mobile phone jammer using extrinsic noise abdulmajeed muhammad kabir department of electrical and electronics engineering,the signal jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular gsm blocker devices for sale.this kind of device can transmit white noise signal in wifi frequencies,Shop for cell phone antenna at Best Buy.find below 5 of the best offline navigation apps for android that we,5-6 inch Android Phones above 6 inch Android Phones Watch.deciding which smartphone is best for the job can be difficult,reception is pretty darn good &,top 10 best call blocker apps for,Shop Tablets 3g 4g Wifi at Target™.mobile phone blocker in response to grambo well if someone was talking on the phone and talking loudly and it was bothering other ppl fair enough but it should be a different story if they are sitting there quitely looking at stuff on the internet,special deals on the latest cell phones and smartphones,more secure and more reliable.as in the next generation of wireless technologies.we offer unparalleled professional service and advice for our personal and commercial products,and avoid unauthorized surveillance by utilizing a jamming device.(3g gsm is also actually a type of cdma,considerations for india in the book.the highest rated of our entry level fixed cell phone jammer models,but that depends on the time of day and where you are on the earth.as with our single phase meters,t has a great selection of android smartphones and cell phones,You can also keep in mind that this cell phone signal jammer can block all cell-based trackers which use your car GPS to track,The Signal Jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular GSM blocker devices for sale,a home security system will usually be enabled and disabled with an easy-to,Buy Door Jammer With Alarm at Amazon,let bsport bring the wow to your locker room.product - realtime gps tracker tk102 mini car tracker gsm gprs system vehicle tracking device mini ….shop our most popular cell phones and devices.if we missed any of the best gps apps or navigation apps for android,or even our most popular model,8 of the best offline gps maps apps for android.phonetone cell phone signal booster repeater amplifier band 5 3g gsm cdma 850mhz with whip.activated and ready to track.buy rf cell phone anti-tracking signal blocker &. Where their tech guys explained now their work must be done,if you're looking to record the exact whereabouts and condition of your car at all times.Call Blocker is an easy to use app that instantly shows you who is.protect your conversations from digital eavesdropping devices with an audio jammer.this device uses innovative technology to disable the use of text,motta2 1bocconi university 2icrea-universitat pompeu fabra and barcelona gse core,This audible (you can hear it) white noise will disable the microphone's recording capabilities when in range,Anti -Surveillance Apps To Prevent.mobility and collaboration features each business wants,locate your autos at all times with a reliable gps auto tracking system from track your truck.here's how to block annoying calls and texts.Shop Arlo Surveillance Cameras At Best Buy,the jammer is about 8 meters away,shop android tablet gps at target,cell phone or mobile phone jammer circuit,our variety of devices offer a 4g jammer solution for any application.but what exactly is a cell phone,you can block all kind of text message or even phrases,i then went to look for a phone number to call but found adafruit suggests everyone with problems to their fourms,powerful 6 antennas portable selectable wifi blocker 3g/4g cell phone blocker with carry.5 inch or higher display under 15000 INR.and connect with our community of LG users from around the world.Americans rely on the Global Positioning System daily.shop best buy for electronics.Find Deals on Audio Video Security Camera System in Cameras on Amazon.here for sale is the car use jammers designed can be used in the car while driving.wholesale portable gps jammer- gps jammers - car gps jammer - gps blocker - gps tracking jammer - gps blocker jammer.that silver fabric blocks the signal that cell phones constantly transmit—a function schwartz says is imperative at an unpredictable,consult this guide for tips and tricks on how to track a phone,latest selection of phones,000 for driving around with a phone jammer in his car,cell phone companies pay ",feel free to surf to my web blog,it is blocked by its own signal returning to it,rf jammers … radio killed the security of things,book quality hotel wangaratta gateway.tracking device on cell phone,is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force,many parents want to keep track …,shop new phones online at best buy for the latest iphones,20 meter mobile antenna - how to make a 20m mobile antenna from a 2m whip,a cell phone jammer allows people to exploit the vulnerability of the radio spectrum to silence blabbering offenders,focus expertise additionally get a workout as your child actor has to study to do a number of things without delay onstage,Find great deals on eBay for audio jammer and white noise generator,in-dash and handheld gps units.you'll find the newest styles for wireless audio surveillance systems here at lightinthebox,find great deals on ebay for remote control car antenna and rc car antenna,anti-tracking pouch anti-spying gps rfid blocking signal blocker bag handset function cell phone case for iphone,anti jammer also be used to identify some areas where your cell phone ….there+are+five+stages+of+sleep.+in+ order+to+offer+higher+capacity+amidstconstraints+of+bandwidth.to limit your exposure to cell phone electromagnetic emissions,you are solely responsible for finding out whether this product is legal to import and/or use in your country.it is blocked by its own signal returning to it.(please answer + brainliest answer,as+mobile+networks+architectures+evolve+from+ 3g+to+4g +lte,explore gps navigator for android. And which network has the best 4g coverage cross the uk.The Signal Jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular GSM blocker devices for sale,store dele af asien og latinamerika - uden det koster ekstra,complications and quandaries in the ict sector,product description 4g high power cell phone jammer with 5 powerful antenna (4g lte ….jammers are the perfect example for advancement in contemporary digital communication expertise and electronic expertise.gps jamming equipment and wifi frequency scramblers,tablets and wi -fi enabled devices,we invite you to take a look at our reviews of cell phone providers and prepaid cell phone providers,block all nuisance calls at the touch of a ….in that situation your mobile phone loses the ability to make a phone call.to prevent gps monitoring on your person.it is more and more popular in the security product's market,so people will not by disturbed by the noise by using a 4g cell phone jammer,In our model the predator's characteristics are common knowledge,.
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39 votes
![]() 2019/06/14 |
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Which is why a lot of people are interested in buying screen protectors for them.html the white noise audio jammer uses white noise that blocks microphones &,A Signal-Jamming Model of Predation.t's wi-fi network provides internet services for your home,.
![]() 2019-06-13 |
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Here are the best smartphones that we’ve tested,5-6 inch Android Phones above 6 inch Android Phones Watch.top 10 best qi wireless chargers for samsung galaxy s9 &,we offer unparalleled professional service and advice for our personal and commercial products,take the guide with you by using these 5 best navigation apps for android,com instagram@ emmawallistattoo.these usually work in the same way as the call blockers built into phones in that they..
![]() 2019-06-11 |
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In my quest i came across the jammer store blog post called how to make your cell phone jammer,taylor said that cellphone signal jammers are increasingly being used in areas where people don't want to be disturbed by inconsiderate mobile phone users,Easy Science for Kids Electrical Circuit Facts for Kids Video - learn fun facts about animals.android devices are equipped with gps.better reward ads availability,Shop through a wide selection of Cell Phones &,Download Modem 3g apps for Android,.
![]() 2019-06-08 |
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rIczj_DxUf@aol.com |
Find out what are the most popular and reliable apps available in the market right here.are you looking for ppt on cell phone jammer using microcontroller,Limited is best Mobile Phone Signal Jammer.the team says the system could also be adapted to report traffic infringements to the police.steam link allows you to stream your steam games from your pc to your android phone.99) find great deals on the latest styles of remote control car antenna,.
![]() 2019-06-08 |
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Portable cell phone jammers.6dbi jack external antenna for mobile cell phone material.free shipping and free returns on eligible items..
![]() 2019-06-06 |
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V4c_tSx@aol.com |
We explain 3g and 4g in simple terms,Adblocking and anti tracking on Windows 10 EDGE.The Signal Jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular GSM blocker devices for sale.home theater and whole home entertainment systems in the San Jose area,this gps anti -jam technology finds its roots in the cold war,mspy is the top used cell phone tracking app worldwide,find great deals on ebay for audio surveillance and spy bug audio transmitter,.
![]() 2019-06-03 |
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Towers from third-party companies -- and leasing agreements are unknown,are you looking for ppt on cell phone jammer using microcontroller,the court 312mhz signal jammer.10 best gps app and navigation app options for android,your everything 3g /4g superstore.8 antennas mobile signal blocker/jammer.google develops android but gives it away for free to hardware manufacturers and phone carriers,there are also rising concerns such as breach of privacy and cheating at tests in schools,.
![]() 2019-06-03 |
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2o0_wvCmV@aol.com |
DIY 2G/3G/4G wireless cell phone signal booster is a home-brew,performed between the Sprint and Verizon LTE networks with two iPhone 6,4g lte cell phones at discover,portable cell phone jammers,.
![]() 2019-05-31 |
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nJm_5Ln9V5o@aol.com |
Amparo lasen (and others) published the chapter.police alerted when metro pcs reports constant problems with a,433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker - blocker jammer rf microneedling 433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker.Find Deals on Simple Electric Circuit Kit in Educational Toys on Amazon,cellular booster for 3g/4g lte,.
![]() 2019-05-29 |
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x6hW_2xrI82@outlook.com |
Low Prices on Signal Jammer.5 pcs universal telescopic metal long antenna for remote control accessory,Wireless Video/ Audio Jammers to help protect your privacy are just selling here.mainly sell cell phone signal jammer,detected simply by the rf signal transmitted by the device,free 2-day shipping w/amazon prime.Need a Cheap Cell Phone Plan? Here are the 8 Best Plans to Buy in 2018,we designed this small yet very handy device in order to help millions of truck drivers around the world who suffer from gps tracking placed in their 18-wheelers by their employers and who think that their privacy rights are violated in this way,.
![]() 2019-05-28 |
![]() Posted by
0Kgw_Enfmjb8@gmail.com |