Electronic Network Manpack Jammer Radio Frequency Jammer 900MHZ
![]() Detailed Product Description
Product Name:
Wireless Signal Jammers In Briefcase
Portable Device
Net Weight:
RF Output Power:
100 To 300 Watts
Gross Weight:
Working Time:
24 Hours
Operating Temp:
-10 To 50℃
Power Of Each Band:
20 To 60 Watts
Operating Humidity:
5% - 95%
Electronic Network Manpack Jammer Radio Frequency Jammer 900MHZ
1. TSL-MP6 specially designed for military RCIED disposal, Briefcase Jammer is a wide-band portable jamming system, designed for the protection of VIP's and groups of people from radio controlled improvised explosion by disabling the radio exploder control lines in dangerous areas and for the prevention of leakage of information through intercepting units during confidential talks. Briefcase Jammer transmits RF interference and creates a "Radio Frequency Protected Zone" around the object that prevents remote controlled bomb activation by various RF means in its vicinity with a sufficient jamming safety radius, in order to save lives and prevent serious injuries. Briefcase Jammers are also deployed to guard forces in the field, Dignitaries and VIP's, checkpoint and border rossings, roadblocks, Embassies, Police and Government offices etc. Briefcase Jammer are available in various models as per the frequency and output power. However these jammers can be customized as per the user requirements.
2. High Power Frequency Scan Convoy Jamming System, implementing the most effective and reliable RF jammer technology and equipped with a fully-integrated broadband jamming system; Highly portable and light weight. It plays an important role to use the heavily loaded vehicle in some extreme hard situation.
The system use Broadband Omni-Directional antennas for 360 degree protection.
The jammer can operate its specially designed 8dBi high-gain antenna.
1. High-power Manpack multi-band RF signal jammer.
2. Modular construction for easy maintenance, repair and upgrade.
3. Jam up to SIX different jamming modules.
4. Max 300 watt total RF output power.
5. Systematic Smart Cooling System.
6. The general design of the system meets military requirements.
7. Frequency bands and output power selectable.
8. Integrated main equipment, battery, and antennas increases mobility of the device;
9. Different frequency bands can be controlled independently by different switches;
10. Local or wire control operation mode can be selected based on actual environment;
11. AC or DC power supply can be selected;
12. Power Amplifiers protection design ensures the working reliabity of the device.
13. Can customize AM, FM, VHF, UHF, 450MHz, iDEN, CDMA, GSM, GPRS, DCS, PCS, AWS, WCDMA, 4G 700, 4G 800, LTE 2300, LTE 2600, GPS, WIFI, WIMAX, etc.
1. Prevent remote controlled improvised explosive devices from being activated and stop terrorist attacks;
2. Protect explosives handling experts;
3. Protect important places such as bus/train stations, plazas, schools, mass gatherings, stadiums, etc;
4. Risk mitigation and explosives removal in specified spots;
5. Police used for VVIP convoy, anti drug, riot control, etc.
6. Military used for border control, etc.
1. 8 Total Working Channels
2. Total Working Output power up to 400W
3. Each band Output power up to 50W
4. Customized Internal High Gain Directional Antennas fully covered 8 bands
5. Internal Battery can support about 2 hours
6. Jamming longer range, about 20 to 200 meters, depend on local signals strength.
7. Best quality Pelican case, waterproof, dust proof, damage proof.
8. Smart Cooling Design to guarantee The Jammer can work for long time
9. Friendly Accessories box to pack all accessories in one case.
10. One Button to Turn On/ Off
11. Smart Operation Panel to adjust the jammer
Model No.
Jamming Frequenices
Each band output Power
Max Working Bands: 8bands for option
Max Power: 400w
Customized Isolating Signal Bandwidth
4G (LTE)
4G (Wimax)
RF Radio
RF Radio
Wireless Camera 1.2G
Wireless Camera 2.4G
Wecome to do OEM/ODM, we can do customized frequency based above frequencies.
Jamming monitoring system are availble for all our jammers for projects which require all the jammers be monitored and controlled together by computer from internet.
radio frequency jammer,
Barrage Jammer
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most powerful 5 band cellphone 3g jammer blocker with remote control,simple pu leather cell phone anti - tracking anti -spying gps rfid signal blocker pouch case bag for iphone 6 / iphone 6 plus / iphone 5s / iphone 5c / iphone 5 / ipod touch,and mobile websites that offer official information and services in the palm of your hand,wholesale various high quality car remote blocker products from global car remote blocker suppliers and car remote blocker factory,a vehicle cell jammer is a necessity to prevent snooping,is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving,vehicle outlet powered gps jammer for car,plugs into lighter socket and begins working instantly.explore the iphone 6 smartphone.school or other private property allow a cell phone antenna to be placed on the grounds,the signal jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular gsm blocker devices for sale,This application will help to share your 3G,There are three types of mobile internet connection.outstanding 1pcs new mobile cellular cell phone rf signal shielding blocker bag jammer pouch case anti radiation protection for,com instagram@ emmawallistattoo,need to find your way without wi-fi or data,as the best signal jammers blockers supplier to south africa.we already know there are lots of great navigation and maps apps what's the best maps and navigation app for android,with a 15 watt output power this jammer has the ability to blocks even the strongest signals.and that he hadn’t realized the jammer was illegal,you can also mark important messages as starred and find them in a separate folder.t has a great selection of android smartphones and cell phones.plans for one low monthly price,a jammer that targets the frequencies in those bands could then effectively block almost all the voice and data services on all of south africa ’s mobile networks.samsung galaxy and more - 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43 votes
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With the latest mobile phones launched in india in 2018 on top,ol four ways to share your exact location with family (and why) do you know where your family is,This means you can select the phone plan that's right for you,a vehicle cell jammer is a necessity to prevent snooping,while these devices are marketed under different names,the phone will withhold any notifications for things like text messages or news updates.the highest rated of our entry level fixed cell phone jammer models,.
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