Buy 24/7 non-stop working 3G/4G Cell Phine Jammer in designed hidden style 3G+GSM+4G Jammer, price $278
![]() Product Description This jamming devices that you are viewing here is the 24/7 non-stop working 3G/4G Cell Phine Jammer in designed hidden style, which is a hidden style multi-purpose signal blocker that can meet with a lot of people’s need of not being discovered by other when using the jammer. Besides of owning the advantage of hidden style the jamming function of this WiFi UHF VHF 3G 4G jammer is also powerful as well since it can cut off the signals of CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G 4G WiFi Bluetooth UHF and also VHF signal at the same time and depending on the signal strength in the detailed place the jamming range of this WiFi UHF VHF 3G 4G jammer is reach up to 15 meters at most. Thus as powered by the AC adapter and owning high quality cooling system this 24/7 non-stop working 3G/4G Cell Phine Jammer in designed hidden style can also easily reach the 24/7 nonstop working goal as well. If you are in need of such a powerful hidden style WiFi UHF VHF 3G 4G mobile phone jammer, then just come here to gain one.SpecificationAffected Frequency Ranges:-CDMA 850-894MHz-GSM 930-960MHz-DCS 1805-1880MHz-PCS 1920-1990MHz-3G 2110-2170MHz-4G1 2300-2400MHz-4G2 2620-2690MHz-WiFi 2400-2500MHz-VHF 135-175MHz-UHF 400-470MHzPower supply: AC adapter(AC110-240V) Total output power: 8WJamming range: up to 15m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength of the signal in given areaAntenna:Built inWeight: 2.00KGDimension: 270mm(L)?240mm(W)?60mm(H)AccessoriesHidden Style Cellphone WiFi UHF VHF JammerPower Cable
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