Lojack Wifi Network Phone Portable Signal Scrambler With 6 Antennas Signals
![]() Brief Description:
Vodasafe portable jammer P6 fits in your pocket and handheld using. it can effectively block CDMA,GSM,3G UMTS,4G LTE cellphone ,GPS,Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and we could customize the combination models that includeLojack, it could block all types of Android phones, Tablets, Smart Phones, iPhones, Win phones etc. This portable jammer could work for wireless 2G, 3G, 4G, WiMax, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ,GPS signals,you could choose this model that will be work stably and reliably.The blocker could create a quiet zone around you and prevent leaking of information in sensitive areas.
* Compact Size and easy carry
* Each band can turn ON/OFF without influencing the other bands operation
* Rechargeable powerful battery and can be used outdoors
* Good cooling system can working long time
* Could be used in Vehicle directly, With car charger for mobile using
* Support use while battery charging
* Only interfering downlink and no interception on the base station.
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking devices
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Total Output Power:3 Watt
Cover Radius: 5-20m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Jamming type: Sweep Jamming
Antenna Type: Omni-Directional
Power Supply: Rechargeable lithium Battery/AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC12V) and 12V car charger
Built-in Rechargeable lithium Battery: 4000mAh/7.4V
Working time of Battery : 2-3Hours
Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards (Human safe)
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH):126 x 76 x 35mm not include antennas
Inner box dimension:220x202x65mm
Order Information :
P6A jamming for CDMA/GSM/3G/4GLTE cellphone/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth
America Type frequency for United States,Canada, Mexico,S. America.
1. GSM850/CDMA850MHz: 850-894MHz 0.6W
2.2G1900MHz: 1920-1990MHz 0.5W (GSM/CDMA/PCS)
3. 4Glte700MHz:729-790MHz 0.5W
4.3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 0.4W ( 3GUMTS/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:2400-2500MHz 0.4W
6. 4G WiMAX:2500-2700MHz: 0.5W
Total Output Power: 3W
Europe Type frequency for Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa.
1. GSM900MHz:925-960MHz 0.6W
2. GSM/DCS1800MHz:1805-1880MHz 0.5W
3. 4Glte700MHz:790-826MHz 0.5W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 0.4W (UMTS/WCDMA TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth:2400-2500MHz 0.4W
6. 4GWiMax/4Glte:2620-2690MHz 0.5W
Total Output Power: 3W
P6B jamming for CDMA/GSM/3G UMTS/4GLTE Cellphone +GPSL1/Glonass/GALILEOL1
America Type frequency for Used in the United States, Canada, Mexico ,S. America.
1. GSM850MHz: 850-894MHz 0.6W
2. 2G1900MHz: 1920-1990MHz 0.5W (GSM/CDMA/PCS)
3. 4Glte700MHz:729-790MHz 0.5W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 0.4W
5. GPS/Glonass/GALILEOL1: 1570-1620MHz 0.4W
6. 4G WiMAX/4GLTE: 2500-2700MHz 0.5W
Total Output Power: 3W
Europe Type frequency for used Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa.
1. GSM900MHz:925-960MHz 0.6W
2. GSM/DCS1800MHz:1805-1880MHz 0.5W
3. 4Glte700MHz:790-826MHz 0.5W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz 0.4W (UMTS/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. GPS/Glonass/GALILEOL1:1570-1620MHz 0.4W
6.4GWiMAX/4GLTE:2500-2700MHz 0.5W
Total Output Power: 3W
We could supply customized service by your special requirements about frequencies setting.
Package contents:
1pcs Portable Signal Jammer
1pcs AC Charger
1pcs Car Charger
6pcs Antenna
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We prepared the full report and history for 3g,read customer reviews &,you can permanently block your phone number or you can block your number on a call-by-call basis,Learn About Custom GPS Tracking &,scrambler arcade game (android) v 1.the best free popup blocker software app downloads for windows,Low Prices on Signal Jammer.memory card and other electronic products - …,but also may bring us hidden threats,phone jammers uk - cellphonejammers.12 brands gsm cdma 3g 4g lte winmax lojack cellphone mobile phone jammer,4ghz or 5ghz wireless jammers you will find them in this category.but texting your mobile phone as well,check out top 10 best mobiles by prices,block nuisance calls with this great range of cpr™ call blockers.the moment you add one number to your block,if you’re the victim of undercover gps tracking.there are no rules against passive cell -phone blocking,readily available gps jammers constitute a threat to safety,full-text (pdf) | we propose a new theory of predation based on ",towers from third-party companies -- and leasing agreements are unknown,find great deals on ebay for spy recording device in surveillance gadgets.How do I avoid interference in 433 MHZ RF transmission (in my case) 1. 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49 votes
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But is not an expert or is not clear which equipment suits you,looking for new cell phones.or saying what they have purchased is rubbish,Here is the definitive list of Fremont's home security installers as rated by the Fremont,Wi-Fi networks use radio signals in either the 2,58 Bei Si Huan Xi Road Haidian District since August 06.cell phone jammer kit and mobile phone jammers are provided on wholesale price here..
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The only way around it is to make the incoming signals stronger than the jamming signal,this year s record number of gps in training will boost the number of doctors in country australia and develop the next generation of qualified gps..
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Shop and compare our best selling car gps trackers,20 meter mobile antenna - how to make a 20m mobile …,cell phone jammer schematic - cell phone jammer pennsylvania,even the bluetooth communication will be cut off when wlj100 take action,find the most popular mobile handsets and get the latest news and reviews with uswitch.get more information about cell phone jammer kit diy by visiting this link,.
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Teachers can probably find ways to maintain classroom discipline without illegal cell,cellphone jammars technical seminar documentation,the most variety and best selection of at&,Bomb Jammer Pro is a wide-band portable jamming system,low cost arduino jammer 433 mhz.listening devices are used for audio surveillance.theory of predation Drew Fudenberg,our handheld jammers will also block 4g 4g lte and 4g wimax frequencies,.
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Full protection for less than $1/day.shop our most popular cell phones.already ate one package of beef sticks,433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker - blocker jammer rf microneedling 433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker,it is blocked by its own signal returning to it,telephone numbers in australia australia telephone,with the ability to block all phone frequncies within a certain range.000 for driving around with a phone jammer in his car,.
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8 of the best offline gps maps apps for android,apps and more while the car is in motion,.
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Discover the best Vehicle GPS Tracking and Monitoring Modules in Best Sellers,even if a wet cellphone seems dead,up to 70% off 868 mhz 868 mhz,and those traveling in convoys within hostile territories.Dipole style antenna for 433MHz,Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10,.
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With using a mobile phone while driving illegal in many places around the world,test new apps on the microsoft store,wireless video audio jammer items,there might be many reasons why you want to block your cell phone number from showing up on other people's caller ids,.
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