RF Bug Detector + Plug-in Lens Finder VS-7L,5G Jammer
![]() RF Bug Detector + Plug-in Lens Finder
This model is the newest top quality portable RF bug detector. It can be used to detect and locate hidden transmitters (bugs) in your home, office, or car, and also wireless spy cameras, cellular phones and other radio frequency devices.
VS-7L performs a professional RF sweep of your premises.
Designed with the latest in microchip countermeasure technology,it has an operational range of 50 MHz to 6.0 GHz. This state-of-the-art unit has features that normally reserved for bigger more pricey units.
Specially designed for easy and simple use, this device does not
require complicated installation or any professional knowledge.
Find bug in silent place
There are many audio receivers in market; they can receive and demodulate audio signals to acoustic display in more than 5 meters away. But those receivers are useless if none talks in the scanning place.
VS-7L is a superior sensitivity detector; it can detect all radio frequency signals between 50 MHz and 6.0 GHz. It can catch the hidden transmitter (bug), no matter there are people in talk or not.
Find signal source of bug
All the audio receivers can display the voice in more than 5 meters away if there is a bug and has people in talk, but could not help you to find where the bug is.
VS-7L has a sensitivity tuner. When detecting the signal, you can lower the sensitivity a little and a little, and then approach gradually to find the signal source.
Unique acoustic display
Some companies supply bug detector, but none of them has acoustic display. They are just signal detectors for lower frequency band.
VS-7L has three kinds of warning mode for selection: Sound, Acoustic and Vibration. After detected signals, set the switch at Acoustic to hear and check the signal. VS-7L will display the voice If it receives audio signal.
Not only a bug detector
VS-7L is not only good at detecting bug, but also has excellent ability in the operational range of 50 MHz to 6.0 GHz. It can catch all kinds of wireless spy camera and detect mobile phone signal.
No interference with radio station
The audio receivers have good ability in audio signal, so you will hear a lot of radio station programs during your scan. Those audio receivers seem high priced radio. It makes your scan annoying and complicated, you will miss the real bug signal easily.
VS-7L will not mistake the radio station signal for bug signal. The radio station programs will not distract you from your scan job.
Battery low warning
VS-7L has built-in rechargeable battery pack. After full charge, the battery power can last 2 days for continuous use. When the battery runs down, the very right LED will go red to notify the user.
1. Attach the Lens finder on VDS-U7L by inserting the plugs into the 2 sockets in the left bottom side of VS-7L.
2. Press down the On / Off switch of Lens finder, the 8 ultra-bright lights start blinking. Point the light beam towards the suspected area and scan slowly to check the reflection of illuminated light.
3. Look through the viewfinder, it is more easily to identify the camera lens. This lens finder also can uncover a hidden wireless camera even the camera is turned off.
Find out bugs in silent place
Find signal source of bug
Unique acoustic display
Without interference with radio station
Battery low warning
Easy carry and simple to use
Detecting range:
50 MHz to 6.0 GHz
Important Audio Verification Mode
Sensitivity Adjustment (Distance adjustment)
With built-in rechargeable battery
Detecting distance:
wireless bug: up to 20 feet(beep)
10mW 2.4GHz cameras: up to 8 feet
10mW 1.2GHz cameras: up to 12 feet
2G cell phones: up to 35 feet
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