spy listen wireless signal detector Frequency Range 1 MHZ -8000MHz
![]() Spy Bugs Wireless wifi transmitter signal detector Adjustable Threshod 160g Light Weight
VS318 Super detector Instruction
VS318 adopt the advance technology of germany, is used for kinds of Bug , car tracker , Wireless pinhole camera , Mobile phone undercover software , instrument for casino scam and so on . The function can meet Military survedillance , It can detect Eletrical source , so will prevent you and your family from the damage of Eletromagnetic radiation. It adopts digital receiving model, the difference from other detectors , one is widen the detection frequency domain , avoid the disturbance from clutter signal of life . second is improved the sensitivity , the advantage is that no matter how strong signal transmitting , can easily locate it by adjusting knob . So it is the most advanced portable wireless signal detection equipment . The normal wireless detector can not detect CDMA siganl , if you dial it via China Telecom , the normal detector never alarm , because CDMA mobile phone agreement was invented by the U.S. Military , it is a radio frequency hopping technology , was called code division multiple access , it is hard to detect , the reason is the small of transmitted power . So G318 is the can accurately indentify the CDMA mobile communication protocol of monitoring equipment.
Panel & function
Equipment is for handheld , Top left is for the antenna , the middle is changing DC port , right is the sensitivity adjustment knob . the light will out when full of charge . The second is for power switch indicator , will extinguish when power is not enough . The third to tenth is for Detection instructions , a signal from weak to strong , if a lights flash , will produce “ beep ” sound , the sound is more urgent , the signal is more strong . on the right the round button is power switch .
●Turn switch on ( button up ) , second led lights , means power to work normally . Turn the knob clockwise to the largest , enter standby mode . If receiving stronger environmental signal , then adjust the rotary knob back , the light falsh not more than the fifth light .
● signal is full , sound will be more rapid .
● when light bars are full and bright , the sound is more rapid , means it is near to the target . If we adjust the rotary knob back when the signal is strong , so it is easy to find the target object .
● Due to high sensitivity, so we can receive the siganl from Mobile phone base stations, television broadcasting station on the road . If you want to find car GPS , pls drive it to the place with weak signal , also pls set the equipment of communication as airplane mode , then the detector can work . If there is no target in the room , but the detector will alarm at times, the possible will be .
1) Your own communication equipment will match code with base stationin timing and automatic.
2) the target is near to the room , maybe in another room , or somebody called in another room .
3) Too close with the wireless router.
Main feature
*Professional radio detection device , high sensitivity , adjustable threshod , large range of frequency detection
*Easy to use ( only switch +sensitivity knob ), Sound and light alarm indicator, accurate and reliable.
*can detect Mobile, unicom, telecom , 2G,3G, 4G card for bugs and locator
*can detector High -speed upload GPS locator packet locator
*can detector 1.2 G/2.4G wireless camera
*can detector hidden 5.8 GHz wireless camera and wireless eavesdropping.
Technique Data
*Frequency Range: 1 MHZ -8000MHz
*detecting the dynamic range: >73Db
*detection sensitivity: ≤0.03mw ( main frequency )
Detect Range:
2.4 GHz wireless camera: 15 ㎡ (standard 10 mw camera )
1.2 GHz wireless camera: 10 ㎡ (standard 10 mw camera )
Mobile : 2G,3 G, 4 G: 10㎡
*Indicating: 9 level LED luminous
Instructions / modulations sound instructions
* Power: built -in 3.7 V 800mAh lithium polymer battery
Working Current: 60 mA;
Working time: 10-15 hours;
Material: aluminum alloy;
Volume: 102x52.5x21.5 mm;
1. Whether car or office is be installed wireless bugs or location tracking
2. Whether your cellphone is eavesdropping or abnormal (transmit when cellphone in stand-by mode without any reason )
3. Whether there is base station radiation around your working environment and residential buildings
4. SMS send and receive signal , mobile Internet , mobile phones switch and on phone
5. Detect the wireless network signals , mobile phone base stations and wireless monitoring system
6. Whether do the harm to human body once Household appliances such as microwave ovens for leaks.
7. Whether there is a suspicious wireless signals in the environment.
8. Used for the hotel , the bathroom , hotel , entertainment , locker room or political authority etc.
9. Used for business negotiation , the school administer , factories , military facilities.
10. Mahjong table coincidence with the action of radio waves.
11.Used for cars ,
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