Versatile RF Signal Detector GSM Bug 3G Spy Camera Detector
![]() Versatile 2G/3G/4G cellphone Detector / GSM Bug_3G Spy camera detector Model#VS-066MC
This device is a VERSATILE RF signal detector which can detect most of the wireless devices, so as GSM phone, Smartphone, WiFi, Wireless bug and Wireless camera ((both analog and digital wireless cameras), etc).
This device has 2 antennas of 2 detectors, one detector is special for 3G 2100 (or 3G 1900 according to order) and another detector is a general detector covering 50 MHz ~ 6.0 GHz, with improved cellphone detection ability to make this device as a universal cellphone detector.
This device can detect most of 2G / 3G / 4G cellphone communications. This device is special designed insensitive with 2-way radio. It won’t be interfered with 2-way radio easily. This feature makes this device well suited to use in the places not allowed for cellphone communication and the security person communicate via 2-way radio.
1. VIDUAL & AUDIBLE warning modes
2. distinguish the signal type
Power :1. Built-in rechargeable battery
2. Switching power adaptor
Battery life:About 4 hours after full charge.
Detecting frequency band:
1. 2G, 3G, 4G Cell networks
2. Wireless camera and bug: 50 MHz - 6.0 GHz
Dimension:L 150 x W 80 x T 30 mm
Weight:About 310g
Warning mode:
1. LED for cellphone activity indication
2. Beep
3. Signal strength indication
Operation temperature:0 - 40 centigrade
Humidity:5% ~ 80%
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