RF Signal Detector; Wireless /Wired Camera /Listen Bug Detector

Wireless smart camera signal detector Wireless Tap Signal Detector For Camera And Phone
Wireless Tap Detector Model no:VS-007A
Wireless tapping is to send the audio or video signal through electromagnetic waves. Wireless tap detector is a machine designed to detect and fix the position of the hidden wireless tapping device.
As the technology of wireless tapping grows, the performance of such devices are also being promoted. They are more and more difficult to be detected with their small size, low emitting power, complicated modulation, wide range, high speed, remote controllability and conceal ability.
Wireless tap detector is is designed to detect and concisely determine the location of the working tapping device in the targeted venue. It is one of most advanced portable wireless signal detectors.
The machine should be held in hand. The SMA socket on the top is for antenna. The two oval holes on the upper right of the face board are for loudspeaker. In the middle of the left side are 10 grades of LED indicators, the first of which indicates the power and the others indicate the strength of detected signals. The last one shows the strongest signal. The knob at the bottom is for power and detecting threshold modulation.
• Professional, sensitive, with modularly threshold and wide detecting frequency range;
• Sound and light alarm indicator makes it easy to use;
• Applicable to military, government, business and other venues;
• Good electromagnetic compatibility;
• Small and portable.
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking signals
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Detecting frequency range: 1MHz-8000MHz;
Main detecting frequency range: 25MHz-6000MHz;
Detection sensitivity: ≤0.05mw (in main detecting frequency range);
Working range: >70Db;
Indicator: 9 grades of LED light indicators / tonal modification sound indicator;
Battery: 9V packed cell;
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