Buy 15m blocking radius GPS Satellite Jammer Specials Products, price $65
![]() Product Description GPS jammers are increasing by being adopted by those who are concern about their privacy. If you want to prevent being tracked by GPS positioning system, the easiest way to do that would be using this 15m blocking radius GPS Satellite Jammer. The mini portable GPS jammer can block all GPS satellite signals, which are typically vulnerable to interference. The jammer has a high gain removable antenna. It help better detect the presence of GPS-enabled devices within a specific scope and blocks the working of all the GPS within the limits, but do not affect the usage of other electronic equipments at all. You can still use you cell phone, Wifi gadget when turn on the GPS jammer, worry free of signal interference. The GPS blocker has a working range of 1500-1600MHz, covering a jamming radius up to 15m, depending on the given signals. The GPS jammer can be simply set up in mobile vehicle by plugging it into the car cigarette lighter. In general, the GPS jammer is featured with compact mini size, great coverage, as convenience as well. The usage of the device can prevent someone else from tracking your location and protect your privacy effortlessly. Add this one and give yourself better sense of security.SpecificationsTo prevent GPS satellite positioning trackingBlock GPS satellite signal, protect your whereabouts privacy and confidential in formationBlock all the GPS satellite signalNot affect mobile phone and other electronic equipment’s workingCar 12VDC fuse line protectionSmall size, high power, light weight, great coverage, easy to carryThe most radiant power (far from 1 meter, dipole antenna test): below -10dBmWorking frequency: 1500-1600MHzPower adjustment range: 33dBm 6dBm/30KHz (min)Effective jamming coverage (radius):2--15mDimension: 75*20*20 mmCharging Specifications: Cigarette Lighter (12v)Storage temperature:-50~+60?Working temperature: -30~60?Relative humidity:5~95%
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Unwanted calls on landline phones.there have been various press reports about commuters using cell phone jammers to create a ‘quiet zone’ on..
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We have the best in audio to create your signal jammer.4g lte cell phones at discover,with using a mobile phone while driving illegal in many places around the world,mobile phones and payment cards and passports,frequently asked questions (faqs)..
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