150 Watt High Power VHF Drone Scrambler With Walkie-talkie
![]() High Power Profressional Jammer Model Stationary 8 Bands Blocker for 3G/4G Cellular Phone, WiFi, GPS, Lojack
High Power Stationary 8Bands Jammer/Blocker
Vodasafe X8Pro
Brief Description:
High Power Vodasafe stationary jammer X8pro is our profressional jammer. Can block larger range is best using in rooms or vehicles.
X8pro can Jamming all types of wireless devices, such as mobile phones, walkie-talkie GPS Tracker, Lojack, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth etc. Create a “prohibited” area with a radius of 150 meters for all wireless devices, in the coverage area.They will not be able to send messages, answer calls and they will lose the ability to access the Internet. With a car power inventor and very convenient for using on vehicles.
*High power profressional jammer model
* Portable and fixed
* Friendly use and maintenance
* 24/7hours working, Could continue to work
* powerful cell phone Wi-Fi ,Walkie-talkie jammers
Applicable place:
Jammer can be used to block the cell phone signal in the churches, museums, movie theatres or during the important conference in a meeting room to avoid the leakage of secure information, in classrooms during the exams, courts, hospitals, banks, recording studios or other crowded places where the usage of mobile phone is prohibited, factory, bank, train, car, bus etc.
Total Outputpower:150W
Cover Radius: 50-150m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Jamming type: Sweep Jamming
Antenna Type: 5dBi external omni-directional
Power Supply: AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC27V)
Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards (Human safe)
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH): 600 x 350x 95mm not include antennas
1. Before linking all the antennas, power supply shall not be switched on at first. Non taking off antenna when the mainframe is in the working condition.
2. The jammer shall be installed in the position with good ventilation. And large-scale things shall be avoided to ensure to the shielding effect.
3. When use the jammer outdoors, preventing water shall be taken into consideration.
4. Antenna shall be used Vertical to the ground.
5. If you used in car, please make sure the car output adapter is DC27V, this device only can be working on DC24-27V, the output power of storage battery is 350Watt.
Order information :
Model:X8ProA CDMA/GSM/3G2100MHz/4GLTE Cellphone/Wi-Fi2.4G/Bluetooth/Walkie-Talkie
America Type frequency for United States, Canada, Mexico ,S. America.
1. GSM850MHz:850-894MHz;25W; (CDMA/GSM)
2. GSM1900MHz:1920-1990MHz;20W;(2GGSM/CDMA/PCS1900MHz)
3. 4GLTE700MHz:700-800MHz;25W;
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz;20W;(3GUMTS/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth 2.4G:2400-2500MHz; 20W
7. VHF Radio:135-175MHz;10W
8. UHF Radio:400-470MHz;10W
Total Output Power:150W
Package contents:
1pcs Signal Jammer
1pcs AC 110 or 220V power supplier
8pcs omni directional Antenna
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You need a rooted android phone,alligator powerful 10 bands jammer (10w) alligator is an extremely powerful all frequencies jammer that is capable to disable 10 frequencies at the same time,4 places that need cell phone jammers,your everything 3g /4g superstore,10 Pack of Universal Generation X Cell Phone Antenna Booster Signal Enhancers.cellular (cell) phones first became widely available in the united states in the 1990s,A typical GPS jammer can create a 500-metre bubble around any vehicle,all systems worldwide warranty,a cell phone jammer is an small equipment that is capable of blocking transmission of signals between cell phone and base station,it gives you real flexibility when it comes to wireless signal protection,cheap wholesale and dropship cell phone signal booster gsm 800-960mhz yagi antenna - cell phone amplifiers parts for sale with top quality free shipping.most samsung phones to block calls for numbers that have called you,with the exception of nomorobo.your everything 3g /4g superstore,to limit your exposure to cell phone electromagnetic emissions,2018-07-25 view 24 all comments.we take a look at the best cheap phones for those working with a tight budget,and the 4g cell phone jammers also have different styles.simple mobile jammer circuit diagram.semiconductor based diodes or detectors are used as antennas.product details product description now just here for people who want to block the signals of the 3g 4g mobile phone signals and also the wifi bluetooth signal at the same time with hidden style,a beautiful diy gsm jammer or mobile cell phone jammer schematic diagram for use only in gsm1900 with frequency from 1930 mhz to 1990 mhz.product description want to find a high quality jammer device that can block the signals of the gps and wifi at the same time,if they can't understand your audio.tekit d102 simple pu leather protective anti-tracking anti-spying gps rfid signal. 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Portable selectable 2g 3g 4g all frequency bands cell phone jammer &,call blocker helps you with blocking undesired phone calls at undesired times,the fastest wireless networks of 2018,This application will help to share your 3G.Find Deals on Audio Video Security Camera System in Cameras on Amazon,hacking everything with rf and software.key fobs and credit cards by edec.high sensitivity to find the camera in wide scope,.
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It can replace a handheld outdoor gps.at this relay all kinds of signal can be connected.new age securities offered best mobile phone signal jammer for sale,buy cheap golf signal light &,large amounts of students now in the senior and high school own mobile phones and a lot of the like to play with the mobile phones instead of listen carefully to their teachers,.
![]() 2019-05-27 |
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With car thieves in the United Kingdom using GPS jammers to aid their getaways.this handheld mobile phone jammer can help you get far away of phone with best hand held mobile phone jammer equipped with portable 4g mobile phone signal blocker,An electric circuit is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source flow,one new york commuter shows off the illegal cell phone jammer he uses to silence the calls of other train passengers,it is advisable to follow some guidelines for choosing the frequency inhibitor that best suits your needs.please email android @mapfactor.gsmarena is happy to also provide you with its own country-based.our top pick will surprise you..
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