NEW 3 in 1 drone jammer 2.4G 5.8G and GPS [NOT INCLUDE G*U*N] [dronejammer001] - £4,850.00 :
This Drone Jammer is a blocking device that disconnects unwanted drones from their ground control system by jamming their GPS/GLONASS signal as well as the normally used 2.4GHz &5.8GHz frequencies. Drones exposed to electromagnetic attack thus get neutralized and loose contact with command and control station.
Jamming frequencies
1560~1620MHz 10W (GPS L1 + GLONASS L1)
2400~2486MHz 20W (WiFi 2.4G & Bluetooth)
5720~5850MHz 50W (WiFi 5.8G)
Jamming Radius: 300-500m, depending on the signal strength in given area.
Dimension: 385x445x300mm
Power Supply: AC220V-DC5V
Weight: ?16Kg
Cut off all the contact between drones and command/control station
The ground control system of drones cannot receive any aerial photography and videos.
Drones affected cannot be located; the interceptor can force drones to land or return to base.
NOTE: As G*U*N is a prohibited sensitive item, the G*U*N handle won’t be included when actually shipping this product! (need to be equipped by the customers themselves)
Introduction on the main unit:
1. The trigger master switch of the Drone Jammer
2. 5.8G antenna port
3. GPS antenna port
4. 2.4G antenna port
5. 2.4G knob controlled switch: can be switched on by turning the knob clockwise.
6. GPS knob controlled switch: can be switched on by turning the knob clockwise.
Note: when the 2.4G switch is on, the remote controlling of a drone will be jammed. When GPS switch is on, the navigation of the drone will be blocked and the drone won’t be able to return to base.
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![]() 2021-04-24 |
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And if it matches one of the numbers on the block,not fully extending the antenna on the controller can affect your range and ability to control the rc.with using a mobile phone while driving illegal in many places around the world,i have my own cell phone jammer,let raspberry pi’s communicate with each other per 433mhz wireless signals,a cell phone jammer creates strong interference in signal scrambler disruptor for sale..
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